Arctic amplification is the most concerning topic in recent times. It is flashing on all the news channels and is published in the newspapers. It is a topic that every UPSC candidate should know perfectly. India has also taken steps for the same. If you are preparing for the UPSC exam, you need to understand the causes and effects of the Arctic amplification UPSC exam and increase your knowledge. You can go through the information provided in this article.
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What is Arctic Amplification?
Well, before moving towards the causes or reason for this amplification to be in news, you must know the basic knowledge about it. The arctic amplification happens when changes to the earth’s atmosphere lead to a bigger distinction in temperature close to the north and south poles than to the remainder of the planet.
This development is measured against the common natural action of the world. These changes are extremely pronounced at the northern latitudes and are called Arctic amplification. It happens once the atmosphere’s web radiation balance is plagued by a rise in greenhouse gasses. You can grab the other important details by moving ahead in the article.
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Arctic Amplification Phenomenon
Recently, some studies were revealed on Arctic Amplification, that instructed that the region is fast and ever-changing and the simplest of climate models might not be ready to capture the speed of changes and predict it accurately. The ice-albedo feedback, lapse rate feedback, vapor feedback (Change in vapor amplify or weaken temperature range), and ocean heat transport are the first causes.
Ocean ice and snow have high albedo (a measure of the reflectivity of the surface), implying that they’re capable of reflecting most of the radiation as critical water and land. Because the ocean ice melts, the ocean is capable of absorbing radiation, thereby driving the amplification.
The lapse rate or the speed at which the temperature drops with elevation decreases with warming. Studies show that the ice-albedo feedback and also the lapse rate feedback are accountable for four-hundred and 15 August 1945 of polar amplification severally.
Arctic Amplification – UPSC Notes
In recent years, scientists have pondered over the impact the ever-changing Arctic will wear on the monsoons in the Indian subcontinent. The link between the 2 is growing in importance because of the intense weather events India faces, and also the serious reliance on rain for water and food security.
In 2021 a study (an attainable relation between Arctic Ocean ice and late season Indian summer Monsoon rain extremes) was revealed, that found that the reduced ocean ice within the Barents-Kara ocean region will cause extreme rain events within the latter 1/2 the monsoons — in September and October.
The changes within the region’s circulation because of decreasing ocean ice combined with the nice and cozy temperatures within the Arabian Sea contribute to increased wetness and drive extreme rain events. In line with the planet meteorological Organization’s report in 2021 (State of world Climate in 2021) water level on the Indian coast is rising quicker than the worldwide average rate. One of the first reasons for this rise is the melting of ocean ice within the polar regions, particularly the Arctic.
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UPSC preparation is the time when all the candidates gather maximum knowledge about their subjects, topics, and concepts along with the best information regarding all the current affairs. This is an extremely crucial topic in the recent scenario.
You need to acknowledge it to give answers in the exam and most importantly, to know about it perfectly. You should visit the UPSC Pathshala website to make notes on other major current topics too. This website is extremely helpful for your paper.