Coringa Wildlife Sanctuary is a beautiful mangrove forest and estuary in Andhra Pradesh, India, located 22 kilometres from Kakinada Beach. At the convergence of the Godavari River and the Bay of Bengal, this mangrove has grown.
It is the second-largest mangrove formation after the Sundarbans, with 24 varieties of mangrove trees and over 120 bird species. The critically endangered long-billed vulture and the white-backed vulture are the sanctuary’s principal attractions, among a variety of bird species. As a source of information, this article includes additional information that is important for UPSC Prelims preparation, particularly for IAS preparation.
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Coringa Wildlife Sanctuary UPSC
#This refuge is located 8 kilometres from Kakinada.
#At Kakinada Bay, it is located on the alluvial delta of the Godavari and Gouthami Rivers.
#It has a longitudinal extension of 82°14′ E to 82°23′ E and a latitudinal extension of 16°30′ N to 17°00′ N.
#The average annual temperature in the region is 28° C. Throughout the year, the temperature fluctuates between 17° C at the lowest and 40° C at the highest.
#In addition, the annual average rainfall is about 1,000 mm.
#Half of the refuge is a backwater with an 18-kilometre-long sandpit.
#The Gaderu and Coringa rivers’ deltaic branches cross this area, generating swampy vegetation of 335.7 square kilometres.
#Tropical deciduous forests and tidal mangroves make up the vegetation.
What is Coringa Mangrove?
#Mangroves are plant communities found in the intertidal zones of tropical and subtropical countries’ shores.
#Mangrove forests serve a variety of biological purposes, including the production of woody trees, the supply of habitat, food, and breeding grounds for finfish and shellfish, the protection of coastlines, and the accumulation of silt to produce new land.
#According to the 2017 India State of Forest Report, India accounts for about 3.3 per cent of global mangrove vegetation.
The mangrove forest of Coringa wildlife reserve is home to 35 plant species from 24 families. The following are some of the most prevalent plant species found in this sanctuary.
#Avicennia marina
#Rhizophora mucronata
#Lumnitzera racemose
#Avicennia officinalis
#Excoecaria agalloch
#Ceriops decandra
#Avicennia alba
#Rhizophora conjugate
#Bruguiera gymnorrhiza
#Aegiceras corniculatum
#Sonneratia apetala
#Hibiscus tiliaceus
#Thespesia populneoides
Along with the tree species, there are two distinct shrub species to consider.
#Derris trifoliata
#Dalbergia Spinosa
In addition, travellers can find the following prominent herb and grass species.
#Suaeda Maritima (herb)
#Sesuvium portulacastrum (herb)
#Salicornia brachiata (herb)
#Suaeda monoica (herb)
#Porteresia coarctata (grass)
#Aeluropus lagopoides (grass)
#Myriostachya wightiana (grass)
The sanctuary is home to a diverse range of bird species that feed on the nutrients available in the backwaters and forests. On the raised mudflats exposed during low tide, they find small fish, clams, and shrimp.
These breeds include birds that are highly endangered, moderately threatened, or fragile. The names of several of these species, along with their categories, are listed below.
Critically Endangered Species:
#Long-billed Vulture
#White-backed Vulture
Moderately Threatened Species:
#Ferruginous Pochard
#Painted Stork
#Oriental White Ibis
Vulnerable Species:
#Spot-billed Pelican
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Important Facts About Coringa Wildlife Sanctuary
In addition, this sanctuary is home to a diverse group of 120 common mangrove birds. The following are some of the species’ names.
#Crow pheasant
#Small Blue Kingfisher
#Pied Kingfisher
#Black-capped Kingfisher
#Little Egret
#Cattle Egret
#Little stint
#Reef heron
#Pond heron
#Grey heron
#purple heron
#Red-wattled Lapwing
#Little cormorant
#Brahmini kite
#openbill stork
The mammals or creatures of Coringa Wildlife Sanctuary are listed below.
#Fishing cat
#Golden jackal
#Smooth-coated otter
Aside from them, there are a few noteworthy vertebrate species.
#Sea turtle
#Olive of Pacific Ridley Sea Turtles
#Rat snake
#Common cobra
Finally, the sanctuary is home to a diverse range of amphibians, including frogs and mudskippers.
Threats of Coringa Wildlife Sanctuary
Several anthropological activities put the forest and its inhabitants in jeopardy. Some of these human actions are listed below.
#This refuge is easily accessible from the port city and the densely populated towns around. According to Bird Conservation Network’s socioeconomic studies, local fishermen are overly reliant on the mangrove forest. To meet their basic requirements, they gather wood and other materials from the area.
#The extinction of otters is being hampered by an increase in habitat destruction and hunting. In addition, increased aqua farming and fishing as a result of rapid industrialisation reduced the otter population. The Andhra Pradesh Forest Department, on the other hand, has made several steps to protect the otter population and avoid mangrove degradation.
According to reports, the Asian Waterbird Census 2021 will be held at Coringa Wildlife Sanctuary and other locations in Andhra Pradesh. This represents the wide range of bird species, which includes rare, endangered, and common species. Aside from that, Coringa Wildlife Sanctuary has a diverse fauna that includes unusual vertebrates, mammals, and amphibians.
Finally, this article provides all of the necessary information, facts and information regarding the Coringa Wildlife Sanctuary for UPSC preparation. Aspirants must, however, be informed of other current events related to this area to improve their preparation.
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