The CDS exam or the Central Defence Services Examination is conducted by the UPSC to recruit commissioned officers into the Indian Air Force, Indian Navy and the Indian Army.
Candidates that pass the CDS exam are then sent for training depending on their specification.
The CDS exam is conducted twice a year and the CDS 2 2020 is the 8th of November 2020, which is a Sunday. The exam will be conducted on a single day.
For the CDS exam, you need to be ready with your syllabus and read current affairs for CDS 2 2020.
Luckily, you can use the same sources that IAS aspirants do.
CDS GK Preparation
The exam of CDS is of two types; one for the Indian Military, Indian Navy and Indian Air force, the other for the officer’s training academy.
The exam is almost the same, but the OTA exam is only 200 marks without the maths section.
Both the exams of CDS have a GK paper. So it is important to cover the following topics in GK for CDS:
- Politics
- Economics
- Sociology
- History
- Geography
- Chemistry, Physics, and Biology
- Sports
- National Awards
- Books and Authors
- Culture and Traditions
- Environment
You should have the basic knowledge of all these topics. So in your CDS GK preparation, make sure you cover these topics well!
Remember that for every right answer you get +1 whereas for every wrong answer 0.33 marks are deducted.
Admit Card
Now that the CDS 2 2020 Exam Date is coming very close, the UPSC has issued the admit cards for candidates on the 15th October 2020.
Candidates can visit the official website for the e-admit cards. Students are required to download them along with the set of instructions. Make sure you go through the instructions and if any error is reported, contact the UPSC officials as soon as possible!
The UPSC has also sent out a notice regarding the CDS 2 exam. Make sure you follow all the necessary protocols and maintain the rules given by the officials.
Make sure to read the instructions more than once and mark whatever has been done! Do not make any mistakes here!
Tips to Prepare for Current Affairs
As stated before, luckily IAS candidates and CDS candidates can use the same resources for preparing Current Affairs.
The main source for current affairs is the Newspaper! Reading the newspaper daily will help you to get accurate and continuous updates on current affairs around the world. From business news to sports news! Newspapers cover it all. Make sure you read a verified newspaper and take down notes for preparing.
If students have started out late, you can find sources online to read monthly current affairs. There are tabloids that give you monthly current affairs. So pick up the slack and get to work!
Make sure you are updated for current events over the past year and give importance to the current scenario prevailing in the country.
Also Read: Best Current Affairs Preparation Method
Tips for CDS GK Paper
The GK section has a value of 100 marks if answered correctly. So make sure that you can get maximum marks in this section. The questions are not deep and are MCQ based. So make sure you are prepared well!
Below stated are a few tips for easier scoring:
- Understand the syllabus. Make sure you know the syllabus well and attack those topics first in which you have issues.
- Go through previous papers. Understand how questions are asked and make sure that you practice these papers. The questions may not be the same, but you will get an idea of how the exam will be
- Create a timetable for your exam. Yes, if you have already done it well and good, but you may need to make changes now! It is time to study more, so start adapting to studying and revising well every day.
- Take quizzes. Quizzes are a fun or more exciting way to test yourself. Enjoy the process when you put in efforts! So try something different, not just the regular.
CDS 2 2020 is less than a month away! Download your admit card and be ready to write the exam. Do not forget to work on your current affairs and CDS GK paper! They will fetch you 100 marks.
The CDS GK paper is high scoring, so do not lose out the opportunity to score maximum marks in this section. Do not stress out, your efforts will pay their fruits.
All the best for the exam!
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