Candidates studying for the UPSC Civil Services exam expend their quality time thoroughly on reading and reading the subject matter only. But only a couple of candidates use some of their quality time writing practice, solving question papers from the previous year and taking some test series to measure their performance and correct their errors.
Why Should You Take the GS Score Test Series?
Here are some of the reasons why test series are important to prepare for UPSC:
- Overcome the fear of exams- Fear and anxiety are inevitably part of the journey of the UPSC IAS aspirant. Fear and anxiety are not bad at all. As long as they urge you to learn and perform well in the exams, they would be helpful. When it turns into inaction due to nervousness, it becomes a cause for worry. As such, there is no shortcut to managing anxiety and nervousness. It can be dealt with by training and providing daily input from mentors and experts.
- Understanding the exam pattern- If you have look at previous questions, you would notice terms such as comment, discuss, critically review, list, etc.
These are not just words. They have unique demands and those who realize the need and write accordingly have good scores. In this way, the test series will help you understand the various ways in which questions can be posed and how you need to answer the questions.
What All Is Included in GS Score Mains Test Series 2021
The Mains Test Series serves as a platform for testing one’s level of preparation as well as the level of time and speed management. It gives applicants an idea of writing an articulated response in line with the logical necessity of the question asked.
The test series program includes these things:
- Conceptual Tests-14
- Essay Mock Test-3
- Applied GS Test-5
- Contemporary Issues Tests-2
- Mock Tests- 8
The Mains Test Series is built upon a four-level approach – NCERT based tests, subject-wise sectional advance tests, revision tests, and complete Mock tests.
Which Platform Is Reliable for Test Series 2021?
Preparing for the Civil Services exam is a long journey and it is very helpful to have a mentor who is qualified and who can direct you at every point of the training process. Here is a list of well-known platforms which offer test series:
UPSC Pathshala
UPSC Pathshala offers a dedicated tutor who prepares your complete study plan, always addresses your questions, discusses current affairs, tests your responses, and keeps you engaged on your path. Not only that, but they also understand what your weak and strong areas are and prepare the study plan accordingly. If you are a working individual and have a much shorter time to prepare for your exam, then your personal tutor will make a plan to ensure that the whole syllabus is covered within a given time and that you still have enough time for the test series.
This is another useful platform that provides all sorts of courses related to UPSC including the GS mains test series for 2021. Its popular courses include current affairs for IAS 2021. They even have free courses if you want to give them a try. Just like UPSC Pathshala, they allot you mentors and study materials as well.
You may also find some free sources that offer almost all the necessary preparation materials, including Prelims and Mains Notes, standard book PDFs, optional subjects, current affairs, test series, and much more. The only drawback is that their material might not be updated.
Where to Find UPSC Best Material?
No matter how much you attempt the test series but if you won’t have sources to study from you won’t be able to improve your score or performance. That is why it is recommended that you get your hands on the best material for UPSC preparation. You can opt for either free resources or you can choose from these resources listed here.
Also Read: 5 Best Magazines for UPSC IAS Preparation
Above all, you need to understand the mock test series helps you learn fast. It actually offers a new and creative way of learning. Even if you want to prepare for IAS by self-study, that’s the right approach. Choose the best resource and start training. If you neglect it, you’ll end up wasting time.
Also Read: How to Make Notes for UPSC Preparation?