The banking assessments are one of the prominent and in-demand of all the assessments. Thousands of competitors emerge for the bank exam every year having an intention to get a position in the banking company. The bank employee is on the rise due to their extras, increased salary and job outlines. Many learners find it valuable to work as a banker.
The nominees are expected to achieve the banking examination successfully to get a job in the banking division. There are various posts in the bank area. Every role has specific eligibility norms and other rules.
State Bank of India (SBI) is one of the prominent banking sectors in the nation that gives several business openings to young graduates as well as trained champions. Candidates can join SBI as Probationary Officers (PO), Management Trainee (MT), Junior Associates (JA), Specialist Officers (SO),. In expansion, the bank conducts lateral hiring too.
The examinations conducted by the bank, especially SBI PO, Clerk, SO, etc. are some of the most outstanding banking exams in the nation due to their growth chances, brand value, lucrative wage scale, and job profile. Its recruitment procedure involves three stages, the preliminary round, the mains exam and the interview session.
In this article, we shall know about the questions asked in the interview session of the SBI bank PO exam. The several questions a candidate is expected to answer in the interview to examine his abilities to work as a PO in the particular banking sector. The questions may be general or related to the specific post.
An aspirant must know what kind of questions will be raised to him during the session. It is significant to prepare for the test as it can affect the overall score of the examination. Let’s discuss the various questions which can be expected in the interview round of the SBI bank PO examination.
SBI Bank PO Interview
SBI Probationary Officer (PO) assessment includes three phases: Prelims, Mains and group discussion or the Interview session. Before beginning with your bank PO preparation, you should get an opinion about the requirements in the various phases of the examination, the preliminary phase, the mains and the group discussion session or the interview.
The kind of questions asked in a particular session of the test, what to expect, how to prepare and how to answer the various issues. Only the aspirants who are qualified in the preliminary and the mains will appear in the final round of the recruitment, the interview or the group discussion round.
Competitors will be called for the interview or the group discussion after they qualify the two stages and through the cut offset by the banking department with concerns to the SBI PO Mains examination 2021.
After getting on through the group discussion round, nominees will be called for a personal interview which will examine the personality of the aspirant along with the credentials and other characteristics.
Also Read: Bank PO Exam Eligibility Criteria: SBI/ IBPS Bank Exam Details for 2021
Role of the Group Discussion or the Interview
Each phase of the test plays a vital role in the overall score of the examination. Every stage examines distinct skills of the candidate which are required to fulfil to get selected for the next stage of the examination. Below is the significance of the group discussion or the interview round of the SBI Bank PO examination.
# The group discussion or the exercise round holds 20 marks in the overall score.
# The personal interview round holds 30 marks in the all-around record.
# The final merit list will be based on the results obtained in the mains and group discussion or the personal interview round.
# The marks obtained in the prelims round will not be summed in the final merit list.
# The final merit list will be formulated after the board administers all the interviews and competitors will be recruited after their documents have been successfully assessed.
Bank PO Group Discussion
The final stage of the bank PO examination consists of the group discussion and the personal interview. This round is the most significant and deciding of all the phases. The aspirants’ answers in this round affect a lot on the overall examination score. Hence the candidates are advised to prepare well to have an adequate flow of the assessment.
The questions asked in the group discussion can be of any social or general topic where you need to keep your point of view in respect to others opinions. It’s a small discussion where a few candidates will be grouped to perform the specific task. It will examine your communication skills, how you will express your ideas in front of other candidates. It’s a very interesting and engaging way to evaluate one’s interaction abilities.
Banking Interview Questions
After having a group discussion on a general or social issue the candidates are called upon for a personal interview. The aspirants will be asked questions about themselves, like their nature, career, hobby, interests and various things. They may be asked questions related to their educational field like why did they choose it and what was the purpose of going with that choice.
They may also ask why they want to choose the bank field as their career. There are a lot of questions that can be expected in the personal interview. Some questions can be related to the banking industry, which can be used to examine the knowledge of the aspirant to be eligible for the particular post.
An aspirant having good communication skills and adequate knowledge can easily crack the interview session of the banking examination. Not only having sufficient knowledge is enough for the test but also the skill of expressing the thoughts or the information and the way of reflecting your knowledge is significant to obtain the quiz successfully.
Practising and preparing well before the assessment can help a candidate answer politely and hence score better in the exam. There are various questions available on the internet for the aspirants to exercise thoroughly and gear up themselves for the test.
Also Read: Seating Arrangement Questions for Bank PO: Let’s Prepare for the Bank PO Exam
SBI Bank PO Interview Questions and Answers
The State Bank of India will plan the interview for those nominees who will qualify for the main exams for the position of Probationary Officer. The interview round is a vital component of the SBI PO recruitment process.
The meeting enables the demonstration of the real merits and personalities of the nominee in front of the Interview Panel. It is the final selection of the eligible candidates for the post of PO. The interview session is the ultimate barrier to fulfilling your dream job.
There are two sets of questions asked in the meeting. Firstly they ask you to introduce or tell something about yourself and some questions related to your interest, hobbies and career. The second set of questions will be everything related to banking. It may be general information about the banking department which is a significant part to judge the basic skills of the candidate.
Below are a few questions with model answers which can be expected in the SBI Bank PO interview. Read till the end to know in detail, the pattern of answering the various questions in the assessments.
Personal Questions
Tell us About Yourself
Model Answer
I’m a young passionate individual and like exploring around. My hobby is travelling. My interest in journalism and mass media has always been consistent, which helped me pursue a degree of masters in journalism.
I believe that when you believe in something that can happen then nothing can stop you from moving towards your goal. Having a positive potential and self courage are minor aspects that will benefit you to pursue your desires.
Besides having a journalism degree, I also pursued a short virtual mass media program of 6 months with a reasonable record.
What was the Purpose behind Choosing Your Profession?
Model Answer
I have a deep interest in exploring and love travelling to new places across the world. The main objective behind choosing journalism is that researching, investigating and exploring will never let you get bored.
The work of a journal is very fascinating of all the jobs. It will also help you improve your interaction and communication abilities. It’s really fun discussing the latest issues with new people. If you are an extrovert then journalism is definitely for you.
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Why Banking as a Career?
Model Answer
Most of the aspirants choose banking as their career just because of the impressive salary. There are many more benefits of picking banking. It is the department that opens doors for all the beginners as well as the experienced students to show off their abilities in various sectors. Any candidate of any field of engineering, technology, finance, marketing, law or any graduate can apply for a job in the banking sector.
As an extrovert, I feel taking challenges is way too useful than just working hard. Other than these the banking job is a reputed one with a good job profile and a reasonable salary.
Banking Related Questions for SBI PO Interview
What are the Common Four Types of Bank Accounts?
Model Answer
The four common four types of bank accounts are checking account, which is the basic type of all the accounts, saving account, money market deposit account and certificate of deposit.
Also Read: Upcoming Bank Exams 2021-2022: Top Bank Exams in India 2021
What is the Role of SBI PO?
Model Answer
The job role of SBI comprises customer service, supervising clerical activities, opening bank accounts, processing loans, etc. They will also discover several areas of banking like Rural Banking, Retail Banking, etc. Besides the on-site training, the PO officers also get educated at SBI training departments.
SBI PO, which is Junior Management Grade Scale-I, after fulfilment of the probation duration, will withstand screening, and after passing it, they will be facilitated to Officer Middle Management Grade Scale-II.
What are the Different Kinds of Cheques?
Model Answer
Few kinds of cheques are the bearer cheque, crossed cheque, order cheque, open cheque, stale cheque, post-dated cheque, traveller’s cheque and banker cheque. These are the basic types of cheques in the banking sector.
What is NPA ( Non-performing Assets)?
Model Answer
When an asset, comprising a leased asset, declines to develop any income for the bank, then it agrees on a Non-Performing Asset. A ‘Non- Performing Asset’ (NPA) was originally commenced as a credit facility through which the interest or instalment of the principal amount is ‘past due’ for a specific term of period.
This tenure was reduced in a phased way and since 1995 it is now 90 days. In more simple words, if the instalment of any loan continues unpaid even when the due date has finished it turns into an NPA or non-performing asset, provided that it doesn’t get expended for further than 90 days.
Also Read: IBPS PO Exam Date 2021: Everything You Need to Know about Bank Exams in India
Hoping that the above information was helpful to you to know everything about the SBI Bank PO interview. The various kinds of questions that can be asked in the interview session of the banking PO assessment. The interview round is the ultimate and the last barrier of the job recruitment procedure. A candidate must be aware of what type of questions will be raised to him in the interview.
If you want to read more such content related to all banking exams sectors. Then visit the website UPSC Pathshala. Sign up for the single course at the website to start a promising journey towards your ambitions.

The model answers given in this article have helped me tremendously in my preparation. What do you guys have to say?
I was worried about the interview section but after reading the questions and answers from this article, now I am relieved. Thank you for providing such an incredible article.
Group discussion is extremely well explained along with the SBI interview questions. Do you have something to ask?
The article was very helpful