Do you want to excel in the Bank PO exam? Are you looking for the seating arrangement questions for Bank PO? Do you wonder how to get high scores? Well, here is the destination of your questions.
This article has all the answers that you might want. Sinking deep into the blog will let you explore several things about the Bank PO exam preparations and techniques to amaze everyone.
The high competition is challenging for the candidates but doesn’t stress much as practice makes you perfect and here are the questions along with answers to practice and acknowledge. Read the complete article and ace the examination.
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Seating Arrangement Questions for Bank PO
The seating arrangement questions are very crucial for competitive exams like Bank PO or SSC. You just practice well before sitting in the examination as these questions will boost your rank in the results.
These questions play a vital role as these are the puzzling questions that check the logic and mindfulness of the candidates. These are called the reasoning questions that enhance your level of performance and scores. If you want to practice it perfectly, here are the questions.
Do your best in the upcoming exams by answering all the questions correctly. You can get the questions and answers in Hindi if you are choosing the Hindi language for the exam.
Bank PO Exam Preparations
Preparation is necessary for the examination. You must prepare well to achieve your goals. The practice questions give you a nice idea of the questions asked, options given, and the correct way to eliminate the wrong options and selecting the right one.
You should get the right platform for your preparation. Bank PO exams and postings are considered to be the most secure and beneficial in India. It provides advantages of high salary and a proper job with the timing of 9 a.m-5 p.m.
It is a dream of many millennials to get a splendid job with security. Moreover, the future betterment is decided by the salary and comfort. It provides you with both of these profits.
Seating Arrangement Questions for Bank PO with Solutions
Here are the questions with their options and solutions for you to understand the pattern and way to find the solution. Start your preparation immediately to rank higher. Look below to know the questions.
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Seating Arrangement Questions and Answers
Question One to Five
Direction (1-5) There are eight friends: – A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and H are sitting around a circle facing the centre. G is third to the right of B & second to the left of C. B is second to the left of E & immediate right of D. F is between B & E. A is not at the left of C.
#1. Who is exactly at the neighbour left the neighbour concluded of D?
#a. B
#b. A
#c. F
#d. G
Answer: B
#2. Who is second to the right of E?
#a. C
#b. A
#c. H
#d. G
Answer: C
#3. In which of the following pairs the first person sits exactly at the right of the second person?
#a. FE
#b. HC
#c. HE
#d. GE
Answer: D
#4. What is the exact position of H?
#a. Just left of G
#b. Just right of G
#c. In between F and G
#d. Immediate right to C
Answer: B
#5. Who is second at the right of D?
#a. F
#b. C
#c. E
#d. A
Answer: A
Seating Arrangement Questions and Answers Six to Ten
Direction (6-10) There are eight executives:- A, B, C, D, H, F, G & Z are sitting around a circular table. F is third to the right of C & second to the left of D. A is at the immediate left of B. Z is at the immediate right of D. H is third to the left of G.
#1. Which of the following pair of persons shows the nearest neighbour of ‘F’?
#a. D, B
#b. H, B
#c. A, B
#d. A, H
Answer: B
#2. In which of the following pairs, is the second person second to the right of the first person?
#a. HB
#b. GH
#c. ZC
#d. None of these
Answer: C
#3. Which of the following is correct?
#a. D is at immediate right to Z
#b. Z is second to the right of C
#c. A is at the immediate left of C
#d. None of these
Answer: D
#4. Who is at the immediate right of C?
#a. H
#b. B
#c. G
#d. A
Answer: D
#5. Who is second to the left of F?
#a. A
#b. Z
#c. C
#d. D
Answer: A
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Seating Arrangement Questions and Answers Eleven to Fifteen
Directions (11-15) There are eight persons sitting around a circular table: P, Q, R, S, T, U, V and W are sitting around a circular table facing the centre. His third to the left of U, UN agency is at the immediate right of alphabetic character. S is third to the left of V, however not the neighbour of R or U. is second to the correct of W.
#1. UN agency is second to the left of V?
#a. W
#b. Q
#c. P
#d. None of those
Answer: C
#2. Within which of the subsequent cluster of persons, the primary person is sitting between the following 2 persons?
#a. UQV
#b. WTU
#c. PRS
#d. None of those
Answer: C
#3. The UN agency is at the immediate left of S?
#a. W
#b. Q
#c. T
#d. V
Answer: A
#4. Is that the right place for P regarding Q?
#a. third to the left
#b. third to the correct
#c. second to the left
#d. second to the correct
Answer: A
#5. As per the sitting arrangement, four of the subsequent 5 are alike in a very sure means & therefore, they type their cluster. that one isn’t enclosed during this group?
#a. SW
#b. UQ
#c. PS
#d. TW
Answer: D
Seating Arrangement Questions and Answers Sixteen to Twenty
Direction (16-20) There square measure eleven friends: K, J, A, C, B, L, E, D, F, G, and that i square measure sitting within the initial row of the bowl observance a match.
#a. D is to the immediate left of C and third to the proper of F.
#b. G is that the immediate neighbour of K and J and third to the left of E.
#c. K is that the second to the proper of B, World Health Organization is at one among the ends.
#d. L is sitting next to the proper of C and C is second to the proper of A.
#1. establish the person sitting within the center of the row?
#a. J
#b. A
#c. E
#d. F
Answer: D
#2. that of the subsequent folks square measure sitting to the proper of E?
#a. ADCB
#b. ADCL
#c. FJGK
#d. ADCL
Answer: B
#3. World Health Organization square measure the immediate neighbours of D?
#a. A, C
#b. A, L
#c. J, F
#d. G, F
Answer: A
#4. If B and C, A and J, K and D, and that i and L interchange their positions then that of the subsequent pairs of friends is sitting at the ends?
#a. C and B
#b. B and L
#c. C and I
#d. I and L
Answer: C
Seating Arrangement Questions and Answers Twenty One to Twenty Five
Direction (21-25): P, A, R, S, T, and U are sitting in a straight line facing the North. R is a third at the right of U. A is second to the left of R. S is next to P at the right.
#1. Which of the following pairs is in the middle of the line?
#a. S A
#b. U A
#c. A S
#d. S R
#e. S T
Answer: D
#2. What is the position of X concerning Z?
#a. Next to U at the right
#b. second to left
#c. third to right
#d. second to right
#e. None of these
Answer: D
#3. As per the given sitting arrangement, four of the following five are alike in a certain way & so, they form their group. Which one of them is not included in this group?
#a. UP
#b. SR
#c. RT
#d. TA
#e. SP
Answer: E
#4. How many people are sitting between P and R?
#a. One
#b. Two
#c. Three
#d. Four
#e. None of these
Answer: A
#5. If P: S and U: P, then T –
#a. T
#b. A
#c. P
#d. S
#e. None of these
Answer: B
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Seating Arrangement Questions and Answers Twenty Six to Thirty
Directions (26-30) P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, and W are sitting around a circle facing the centre. S is second to the left of U & third to the right of W. P is second to the right of U & nearest neighbour of W. R is second to the right of Q & U is third to the right of Q. V is not the neighbour of U.
#1. How many of these are between W and R?
#a. Two
#b. Three
#c. Two or Three
#d. insufficient data
Answer: B
#2. Who is exactly at the left of P?
#a. W
#b. T
#c. V
#d. None of these
Answer: B
#3. Identify from the given pairs, which is the pair that has the first person sitting at the immediate left of the second person?
#a. RS
#b. QV
#c. TP
#d. UR
Answer: C
#4. Who is fourth to the right of Q?
#a. T
#b. R
#c. P
#d. insufficient data
Answer: A
#5. What is the position of T concerning V?
#a. second to the right
#b. third to the left
#c. third to the right
#d. second to the left
Answer: B
Seating Arrangement Questions and Answers Thirty-One to Thirty-Six
Direction(31-36) : P, Q, J, S, T, U, V, W, and X are sitting around a circle facing the center. S is third to the left of W, who is second to the left of Q. P is fourth to the left of T, who is second to the right of S. J is third to the right of W. I am not the nearest neighbor of S. V is not the nearest neighbor of T.
#1. Who is fourth to the left of the U?
#a. T
#b. J
#c. AP
#d. insufficient data
#e. None of these
Answer: B
#2. Who is second to the right of V?
#a. U
#b. ET
#c. CJ
#d. Insufficient data
#e. None of these
Answer: A
#3. What is the position of J concerning concluded T?
#a. Fifth at right
#b. Fifth at left
#c. Fourth at right
#d. Fourth at left
#A. Only (1)
#B. Only (4)
#C. Only (1) and (2)
#D. Only (2) and (3)
#E. None of these
Answer: D
#4. Who is fourth to the left of V?
#a. Q
#b. W
#c. X
#d. T
#e. None of these
Answer: C
#5. Identify the correct pair from the given options in which the first person is sitting at the immediate right of the second person?
#a. SU
#b. UT
#c. VS
#d. PV
#e. None of these
Answer: E
#6. Who is at the immediate left of T?
#a. S
#b. U
#c. J
#d. insufficient data
#e. None of these
Answer: B
Seating Arrangement Questions for Bank PO Shortcut Tips
The shortcuts and tips can make you more confident while solving these types of questions. The arrangements are classified into three sections: rectangle, square, circle, and lines. These types of questions are solved by knowing the correct directions. If you know the North, South, East, and West properly, you will answer the question correctly.
The questions can be asked in clockwise or anti-clockwise directions. Read the questions carefully before starting looking at the options because options can confuse you the most. If you want the feasibility at the time of solving, make the charts. It will help you to know the perfect characteristics and directions. Don’t rush while choosing answers. Be diligent and wise.
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If you have read this article carefully, you must have come to a conclusion that the practice of the questions beforehand will help you immensely in getting high scores in the bank PO exam.
In case of any inquiry, you must visit the UPSC Pathshala website. It will give you the way to connect with the experts of the field along with numerous articles present on the site related to the exam.
Remember, the choice of the right platform is necessary for success in the examination. Prepare wisely in the right direction. It will lead you towards excellent accomplishments in your life.