If you are preparing for the UPSC exam, the questions like whether you are a good fit for civil services, or whether this is the career you want for your life would probably be nagging you, right? Don’t worry, you are not alone. Almost every civil services aspirant goes through this phase in the middle of their UPSC preparation. The reason being the amount of time invested in preparing for the exam plus the level of toughness.

Clearing the civil services exam is tough, but taking the responsibilities of India’s prestigious job is even tougher. There is no doubt that the civil service is a representation of the Indian Government. In terms of their duties and responsibilities, it can easily be said that they hold a crucial position within the Union Government, the States, and the Public-sector Enterprises. But, the tasks can be challenging since with greater authority come greater responsibilities.

To clear your doubts, let’s begin from the very beginning, i.e., UPSC preparation and exams. Then, we will talk about the aftermath of getting selected for civil services.

How Can I Test Myself if I Am Fit to Prepare for Civil Services?

#1. Ask Yourself Why

Consider whether you are really interested in becoming one, or maybe you just want to try because others are doing it. The UPSC exam is like a stormy ocean where only the brave and the passionate will sail through. Otherwise, you will return.

#2. The Most Important Thing is Time

Ask yourself if you have enough time to spend on your studies. The preparation for the exam should take at least two years – one year for preparation and another for the exam itself.

#3. Know your Core Knowledge

You don’t have to worry about this if you can invest enough time. However, if you want to crack it in two years, you should have a good command of the language you are picking, the habit of reading the newspaper and good academic (habit of studying) records.

#4. Keep Calm

In case the above three are in order, this does not matter. Early starters don’t have to worry about their studies. However, once your mind begins to fill with too many thoughts, you will become overwhelmed. If you fail on your first attempt, you begin to compare your progress with your colleagues. So, just keep in mind your weak points and strong points and don’t get intimidated by others’ successes.

#5. Syllabus

You should examine the syllabus, previous years’ papers, and toppers’ talks before making your decision. This helps carve a pathway of how you take your preparation forward.

When all of the above is in order, and you stay consistent and follow a good plan for at least two years, success will not stay away from you for long. UPSC Pathshala courses are a one-stop solution for you to make your UPSC preparation journey easier and more effective. But before, read the article to be more specific about your decision.

Duties in Civil Services

What’s the point of preparing for civil service exams when you don’t know what duties they hold? By knowing the duty only, you can figure out whether you are fit for civil services or not. Here we have provided the responsibilities that come after getting selected:

Basic Role

The civil service is part of the executive branch. In contrast with the ministers who are a part of the executives and are re-elected or replaced by the people at their will (through elections), civil servants are part of the executives permanently. Political executive officials and ministers are held accountable for civil servants actions. Thus, the civil service is a subdivision of the government.

The civil service officers are the permanent employees of the various governmental departments. Their main responsibility is to serve as expert administrators. Sometimes, they are also called the bureaucracy or public service.

Legislation & Policy Implementation

The civil servants are responsible for implementing the laws and executing the policies framed by the government. Furthermore, they are in charge of formulating policies as well. Ministers receive advice from civil service officers on various issues, as well as facts and ideas.

Welfare Services

A variety of welfare schemes are available through the services, such as social security, the welfare of the weaker and vulnerable sections of society, old-age pensions, and poverty alleviation. Civil officers are in charge of carrying these out.

Developmental Functions

As a part of the development services, various functions are performed, such as promoting modern agricultural techniques, promoting industry, trade, banking functions, and bridging the digital divide.

Stabilising Force

The civil service provides stability and permanence amidst political instability. Unlike governments and ministers, the civil service is a constant, ensuring stability and continuity in the administrative system.

Instruments of Social Change & Economic Development

Successful implementation of policies will bring positive changes to the lives of ordinary people. The only way a government can call a scheme a success is if the promised goods and services reach the intended beneficiaries. In order to implement schemes and policies, officers from the civil services are held responsible.

Administrative Adjudication

Furthermore, the civil services settle disputes between the State and citizens in the form of courts and tribunals, etc.

Now, How to Know You are Not Fit for Civil Service?

As you have gone through the duties of a civil servant, things will be more clear now. To make it even more clear, we have listed the reasons to find out whether you are fit for civil services or not.

#1. You can’t handle the workload pressure and hours of duty. The life of a civil servant is very tiresome, and they constantly work to bring good to society.

#2. You don’t like being surrounded by security or bodyguards and want your privacy. It is a very prestigious plus risky job. Thus, you would have little privacy during working hours.

#3. You just want to get the job for money. Unfortunately, this can deteriorate your performance, and likely, you will not do the job with dedication.

#4. You just want to claim the job for appreciation. Sure, getting appreciation and respect for clearing civil services exams is a piece of cake, but you need to keep in mind that you are not taking these responsibilities just for the sake of it. Know and love your duties.

#5. You just want to get it to make your parents proud. But, the reality is, if you don’t want to do it truly, you will regret it later. So, be wise with your decision.

Fit For Civil Services? Start a Hassle-free Preparation Journey With UPSC Pathshala

So did you get clear whether you are a good fit for civil services or not? If yes, then take a look at UPSC Pathshala. The core aim of our team of world-class mentors and coordinators is to make students fearless when it comes to India’s most challenging exam, UPSC. You’ll get access to individualized courses and mentorship when you join UPSC Pathshala. We have helped thousands of students pass their exams with flying colours, and you can be the next one. But what if you are still not sure? Then don’t worry, we have expert mentors who will guide you through all your doubts and questions.

Make sure you take advantage of our free demo classes to see for yourself how much value we provide to our students. Let’s take your preparation to the next level together.

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Are You Fit for the Civil Services? Know What is Needed to Handle the Responsibility
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Are You Fit for the Civil Services? Know What is Needed to Handle the Responsibility
If you are preparing for the UPSC exam, whether you are a good fit for civil services or not would probably be nagging you. Read the article and get clear with your decision.
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About the Author


Shilpa is a professional web content writer and is in deep love with travelling. She completed her mass communication degree and is now dedicatedly playing with words to guide her readers to get the best for themselves. Developing educational content for UPSC, IELTS aspirants from breakthrough research work is her forte. Strongly driven by her zodiac sign Sagittarius, Shilpa loves to live her life on her own notes and completely agrees with the idea of ‘live and let live. Apart from writing and travelling, most of the time she can be seen in the avatar of 'hooman' mom to her pets and street dogs or else you can also catch her wearing the toque blanche and creating magic in the kitchen on weekends.

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