CAPF stands for the Central Army Police Force. The conductor of the CAPF examination is the union public service commission. The Central Armed Police Force is the collective term of the seven Indian security forces approved by the Ministry of Home Affairs. As a result, recruitment in the UPSC CAPF exam fills numerous vacant places in the seven security forces. To be able to join these forces one needs to clear the CAPF exam and that is why you will need to get familiar with the UPSC CAPF exam pattern.
Interested candidates should apply the application form for CAPF from April 2021 afterwards within the specified deadline. As far as the CAPF exam date is concerned, it shall be 9 August 2021.
CAPF AC Exam Pattern 2021
The exam will be conducted in an offline mode. There will be two papers. The first paper will be based on the subjects Hindi and English. It will be of objective type meaning there will be multiple-choice questions and is worth 250 points.
The second paper will have descriptive type questions worth 200 marks. The focus will be entirely on general studies and essays. You will get a good 5 hours to finish both the tests. Now let’s move on to the syllabus for CAPF.
CAPF Syllabus 2021 for Paper 1
Knowing the syllabus and the CAPF exam pattern will allow candidates to build a structured plan for preparation.
- General Mental Ability: Quantitative Aptitude, Data Interpretation, Logical Reasoning, and Numerical Ability.
- General Science: Environmental Science, Information Technology, General Awareness, Scientific Temper, Biotechnology, Comprehension.
- Current Events: Current Events of National and International Importance in Culture, Arts, Industry, Globalisation, Sports, Business, Literature.
- Indian Polity and Economy- Indian Political System, Security Issues, Social Systems and Public Administration, Economic Development in India, Human Rights.
- Indian History- Economic, Social & Political Aspects of Indian History, Freedom Movement, and Areas of Growth of Nationalism.
- Indian and World Geography-Social, Economic and Physical Aspects of Geography pertaining to India and the World.
CAPF Exam Syllabus 2021 for Paper 2021
Part‐A – Essay questions to be answered in a long narrative form either in Hindi or in a total of 80 Marks in English. Modern Indian history focuses on the topics of freedom struggle, geography, politics and economics, awareness of security and human rights issues, and analytical skills.
Part‐B –Comprehension, precise writing, other communication/language abilities to be attempted in English worth 120 marks. The topics are Comprehension, accurate writing, counter-argument creation, basic grammar, and other aspects of language testing.
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Eligibility Criteria for CAPF
- Both men and women can compete to become assistant commander. There are no restrictions for women
- You need to be a citizen of India
- You need to achieve a bachelor’s degree from a recognized college
- The minimum age to fill the application form is 20 and the maximum age set is 25 years
What are the Roles & Responsibilities of AC?
The role of the Assistant Commander differs around the five forces. In general, however, the Assistant Commander performs responsibilities such as a chief, human resources manager, soldier, etc. He manages a company of around 150 men and is expected to take care of their jobs and well-being. Here are a few aspects of the work profile:
- Human Resource Manager- Since AC handles around 150 people. They must keep them safe and motivated enough to cope with any eventuality. He/she takes care of the food, ration, fuel, and other needs of people. The AC is also responsible for the penalty of the company’s leaves.
- Leader- It is expected from AC to lead the team at the front. He has to serve as a strategist in the area of battle operations.
- Deputation: CAPF performs multiple roles such as VVIP security such as Z-plus security, terrorist operations, law and order roles, election duty, UN missions, sporting events such as mountain expedition. CAPF staff get to work in prestigious institutions such as NSG, CBI, GSP, IB, RAW, etc.
CAPF is a multifaceted and diverse job, the profile of which can be summarised as-any role needed for the protection, security, and pride of the country, the AC must be able to perform. The exact nature of the AC job can not be specified.
In reality, CAPF acts both as an army and as a police force, based on the situation. But if you are interested in this line then you need to prepare just like any other exam you will need to go through CAPF previous years’ papers to get a glimpse of the real exam so you can feel more prepared and confident.
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The article has provided good explanation for UPSC CAFF, it was very helpful and the exams are apporaching fast, what do you think should be done in the last minute?