Are you aspiring for UPSC Indian Engineering Services (IES) Exam? Many students after their B.Tech/B.E plan to prepare for IES exam. If you are also one of them, then congratulations. You are at the right place. The first step to prepare for any national level exam is to know the syllabus by heart. Read this article till the end to know the IES syllabus 2021 and more.
Here’s What You Need to Know About IES Exam
Before knowing the syllabus of the IES exam. Let us first understand the scheme and pattern of the exam.
The IES exam is conducted in three stages:
- Stage-I: Preliminary Exam
- Stage-II: Mains Exam
- Stage-II: Interview (Personality Test)
A candidate will have secure qualifying marks to proceed in the further stages.
Preliminary exam questions will be multiple choice. If a wrong answer is marked by the candidate then ⅓ of the marks will be deducted as a penalty. If an answer is left blank then there will be no deduction.
Stage-I has two papers.
Stage-I | Duration | Marks |
Paper-I ((General Studies and Engineering Aptitude) | 2 hours | 200 |
Paper-II (On your Brach of Engineering) | 3 hours | 300 |
Total=500 |
The stage-II: Mains exam has descriptive type questions. No negative marking. The Mains Exam has two papers. Stage-II will solely focus on the knowledge of your specialization in BT. Tech (Eg. Civil Engerningeing, Mechanical Engerinneing etc.)
Stage-II | Duration | Marks |
Paper-I | 3 hours | 300 |
Paper-II | 3 hours | 300 |
Total=600 |
Stage three of the examination is the interview. This exam is to test the personality of the candidates. This stage carries total marks of 200.
IES Syllabus 2021
Still here?Greate! Lets us now understand the syllabus for IES step-by-step.
IES Exam Syllabus for Stage-I-Paper-I
In Paper-I the subject is General Studies and Engineering Aptitude which common to all candidates. The contents for the syllabus are:
- Current issues of national and international importance relating to social, economic, and industrial development.
- Engineering Aptitude covering Logical reasoning and Analytical ability.
- Engineering Mathematics and Numerical Analysis.
- General Principles of Design, Drawing, Importance of Safety.
- Standards and Quality practices in production, construction, maintenance, and services.
- Basics of Energy and Environment: Conservation, environmental pollution and degradation,
Climate Change, Environmental impact assessment. - Basics of Project Management.
- Basics of Material Science and Engineering.
- Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) based tools and their applications in
Engineering such as networking, e-governance, and technology-based education.
- Ethics and values in the Engineering profession.
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IES Exam Syllabus for Further Stages
As the Preliminary exam Paper-II and Mains exam (Stage-II) focus on the B.Tech/B.E specialization of the candidate therefore the syllabus for all three papers is the same. The syllabus will change according to the branch of engineering of the candidate.
As the Stage-II exam asks questions in more detail, we will see the syllabus of the Mains exam. If you cover the syllabus of the Mains, you will be automatically covering the syllabus for Stage-I-Paper-II.
The branch wise syllabus of the IES Mains exam for Civil and Mechanical Engineering is:
Civil Engineering
Contents for syllabi of both the Papers together for Preliminary Examination / Stage-I
(Objective type Paper-II) and separately for Main/Stage-II Examination (Descriptive type
Paper-I and Paper-II).
- Building Materials:
- Solid Mechanics
- Structural Analysis :
- Design of Steel Structures:
- Design of Concrete and Masonry structure:
- Construction Practice, Planning, and Management:
- Flow of Fluids, Hydraulic Machines, and Hydro Power:
- Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering:
- Environmental Engineering :
- Geo-technical Engineering and Foundation Engineering :
- Surveying and Geology:
- Transportation Engineering :
Mechanical Engineering
- Fluid Mechanics :
- Thermodynamics and Heat transfer
- IC Engines, Refrigeration, and Air conditioning
- Turbo Machinery
- Power Plant Engineering :
- Renewable Sources of Energy :
- Engineering Mechanics :
- Engineering Materials :
- Mechanisms and Machines :
- Manufacturing, Industrial and Maintenance Engineering :
- Mechatronics and Robotics:
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Indian Engineering Services (IES) exam is conducted by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC). The IES exam is taken in three stages. The candidate will have to score minimum qualifying marks to proceed in the further stages.
As the questions of Stage-II as it is descriptive type, they require more detailed knowledge. Therefore if you prepare for Mains first, then you will cover the syllabus of Stage-I paper-II by default.
Apart from Mechanical and Civil Engineering, candidates from the background of Electrical Engineering and Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering can also appear for the IES exam.
Let us how are you preparing for the IES exam in the comment section. All the best for your Preparations!
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