Looking for important revision tips for the upcoming IAS exam? We can feel your anxiety level and that is why in this article, we will explore 7 great tips that will help you tackle your problem of revision for UPSC prelims, effortlessly.

The UPSC IAS examination is undoubtedly one of the toughest qualifiers to crack in view of its vast syllabus, making the whole revision process a little cumbersome. Want to know how to revise effectively for UPSC? Read on to find out.

Revision Tips for IAS Exam – Why is it Important?

For IAS aspirants, it is more important to understand and revise the concepts than just theoretical knowledge. As time is a limited resource in this scenario, you must approach the process of revision with as much planning, as you’d do with the actual study.

A good revision method is one in which blends perfectly with your daily study routine. It is holistic in nature.

The syllabus for your qualifiers is extensive and it is natural to forget crucial bits of information; revision ensures maximum memory retention and recalls in your examination.

Listed below are 7 effective revision strategies that will help you carry out your revision in a well-structured and practical manner.

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7 Effective and Practical Revision Tips for IAS Exam -How to Revise Effectively for UPSC?

You Must always Make Notes for Revision

Many IAS aspirants make the mistake of making lengthy subjective notes. Lengthy notes are time-consuming to make and study. When you are making notes, always remember the following–

# Notes must facilitate revision.

# Time is limited.

# Notes should not be subjective and lengthy.

# Notes must exclusively be a collection of crisp definitions, crucial phrases, highlighting examples, important data, authority figures, and smart diagrams.

# If you have to read your notes like a book, you are doing it wrong.

# You must make multiple revision slots in your study schedule.

# If you will try to revise your daily study as well as previous notes within a single time frame, you are going to gain nothing but confusion and information overload, and ultimately knowledge leak from your brain.

You must Adopt the Right Way to Revise

# Revise daily, in smaller slots twice or thrice in a day.

# Allocate revision slots subject wise.

When you allocate exclusive revision slots to similar subjects, recall and retention become a lot easier to achieve.

Many aspirants end up getting confused while reading similar concepts in different notes.

When you club repetitive concepts together, this confusion can be avoided.

You must Have a Strict To-Do List

Just like you have a to-do list for your daily schedule, you must make one exclusively for your revision as well.

Here is how you must build your revision task list:

# Allocate different days to different subjects.

# Club subjects in the degree of their importance, marks and difficulty.

# As mentioned in point number 3, try to keep similar subjects together.

A to-do list is an amazing tool to keep a tab on time and the amount of revision covered, and what remains to be covered.

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You must Take Advantage of Technology

Gone are the days when IAS aspirants only had the option of creating hard notes. Nowadays, thanks to technology, you always have the choice of creating soft notes.

Creating soft notes has many advantages over traditional notes. Some of which are as below:

# It is easier to search and find particular bits of information in electronic notes.

# You can carry your entire notes with you anywhere.

# You can revise on the go.

# There is no issue of losing parts of your notes due to tearing or loose pages.

# You can save up on a lot of time that you would otherwise spend searching through notes, or waiting to get home to start your revision.

Besides using technology to make notes, you can also use it in the following ways:

# Surfing the web for concepts you must revise.

# Checking up on current affairs relating to your subjects.

# Watching videos that explain complicated concepts.

You Must Take Multiple Mock Tests

There is not a better way to ascertain the growth and knowledge you have gained to date, other than by giving mock tests.

Mock tests are absolute replicas of the UPSC CSEs. When you give a mock test, you will not only realize your current level of growth, but also get an opportunity to manage time and tension of the examination before the D-day arrives.

The same experts who will also guide you through the process of rectifying your mistakes effectively evaluate mock tests.

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You Must Choose Wisely between Notes and Quizzes

Certain concepts are comparatively simple and do not essentially require notes to be re-read repeatedly.

For much easier topics and subjects, you should always opt for quizzes rather than study notes. While solving quizzes, you will not only assess your knowledge but will also be revising concepts pertaining to the subject at hand.

Tips for Last Minute Revision IAS

Follow these revision tips for UPSC to see a drastic change in your next big exam.

Revise from Notes

It takes a special kind of genius to rewrite a 600-page book at the eleventh hour. Smart students prepare self-study notes in order to request assistance at the last moment of examinations. Revise the subject based on the notes you took for the revision. It is neither necessary nor helpful to read the entire novel. That is why your mentors stress the importance of taking notes. Often, when revising the curriculum, prioritise the most relevant topics first, followed by subsequent topics based on the grading system.

Read the Questions Carefully before Answering

You’ve already noted that at the head of the question paper it says, ‘Read the questions carefully.’ This is extremely critical! Before starting to write the responses, students must thoroughly read the questions. Paper setters can ask some questions in a confusing manner at times. You should prepare for this by reviewing the previous year’s question papers or taking a mock exam.

Balance Speed and Accuracy

Accuracy and speed go hand in hand. Never get anxious and make errors during the test. Instead, be vigilant and achieve the correct balance between pace and precision. A wrong move is worthless even if it is given quickly, and a correct answer is also meaningless if it is given in more than the appropriate time frame. Students must have the correct response in the allotted time. The only way to do it is to practise mock assessments more and more.

Know the Exam Centre in Advance

It has been observed that many students hurry to the exam centres at the last moment or just a few moments before the exam begins. This could land you in serious trouble, such as being barred from taking the exam. The students arrive at the examination centre an hour before the scheduled time and find them ahead of time. This prevents you from having to deal with needless tension and concern.

Carry the Required Documents

Keep your application form, ID verification, photograph, and printouts of all of this documentation in your bag at all times. The application form acts as your entry permit into the exam centre; without it, you will not be permitted to access the exam room.

Eat Healthy before Exam 

Eating a good and healthy meal is important for stress reduction. Students should eat a nutritious breakfast to help them focus on their tests. According to research, students who eat breakfast every day will study for longer periods of time than other students. It is a smart idea to substitute apples and juice for junk and fast foods such as chips, burgers, and fries.

Get a Good Sleep

You’ve already heard of Insomnia. It is characterised by an inability to fall asleep and is very popular among adolescents during exams. It is suggested that you get at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep a day. If the condition continues, you can see a physician.

Exercise Regularly

Walking, going to the gym, jogging, or even doing basic physical exercises can help relieve stress. Exercise and eating habits are related. If you exercise often but eat poorly, your previous efforts would be undermined. You can also play your favourite sport or dance to your favourite tune, which is good physical activity in and of itself. Allow time for physical exercise at least once a day.

Play Puzzle Games

There are several mental game apps available for download from the Android and Apple App stores. Download them and play for at least 15 minutes every day. You could solve mathematical problems, power games, word puzzles, and so on. This boosts morale and positivity while reducing stress.

How Many Time to Revise for UPSC?

It emphasises the importance of a UPSC aspirant studying regularly, with no more than 6 or 7 days among two revisions of the same subject. The idea of steadiness is central to this strategy. More regular analysis saves time and resources because smaller sections are easier to finish.


Stop worrying about how to do revision for the IAS exam, and simply adopt these 7 powerful revision tips for the IAS exam in your daily routine. We assure you that these tips are time-tested and will definitely work. So follow these without any worries and see the change yourself.

Step up your UPSC preparation with UPSC Pathshala, and crack the exam with full confidence.

Good luck!

Also Read: Should I Start UPSC Preparation if I am Over 25? What’s the Ideal Age for UPSC Preparation?


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Top 7 Ultimate Revision Tips for IAS Exam: Get the Ball in Your Court in the Next UPSC
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Top 7 Ultimate Revision Tips for IAS Exam: Get the Ball in Your Court in the Next UPSC
Are you finding it hard to crack the UPSC exam after studying to the limit? Don’t stress, as we are here to help you out. Read on to learn some tips which will help you prepare effectively.
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About the Author


Shilpa is a professional web content writer and is in deep love with travelling. She completed her mass communication degree and is now dedicatedly playing with words to guide her readers to get the best for themselves. Developing educational content for UPSC, IELTS aspirants from breakthrough research work is her forte. Strongly driven by her zodiac sign Sagittarius, Shilpa loves to live her life on her own notes and completely agrees with the idea of ‘live and let live. Apart from writing and travelling, most of the time she can be seen in the avatar of 'hooman' mom to her pets and street dogs or else you can also catch her wearing the toque blanche and creating magic in the kitchen on weekends.

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