Undoubtedly, the Indian Administrative Service (IAS) is the epitome of administrative civil service in the Government of India. When it comes to the duties of an IAS officer, it can be easily said that they hold an important and crucial position within the Union Government, the States, as well as the public-sector undertakings. In the article below, You will be acquainted with what are the responsibilities of an IAS officer? And what are the duties of an IAS officer? We will be exploring in detail the salient features of the Indian administrative service, and highlight the responsibilities of the officers who serve under it. The IAS is an important participant in maintaining administration under the government in India. It is essential in keeping up the required stability and impartiality in the administration.
About Indian Administrative Service (IAS)
The Indian Administrative Services (IAS), The Indian Forest Services(IFS), The Indian Revenue Service (IRS)and the Indian Police Service(IPS) are a few of the major fragments of the All-India administrative services.
- Once you are an IAS officer, any of the two: states and the Union government can employ you.
- When an IAS officer enters the higher levels of the Super Time Scale to Apex Scale, they are eligible to head entire departments, followed by entire Ministries of the Government of India as well as the States.
- The IAS officers represent the Indian Government at the international level when it comes to bilateral/ multilateral conferences and discussions.
- In addition to the above, these esteemed officers also work at Inter-governmental organizations including the World Bank, the United Nations or even its Agencies.
- IAS Officials also play a significant role at various levels of administration concerning elections in the country. They aid in carrying out an unhindered, unbiased and planned election process for the states and the Election Commission of India.
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Indian Administrative Service through History
- As the leading services under the government of India, the IAS was constituted in 1946.
- Before the enforcement of the IAS, the Indian Imperial Service (1893-1946) was in operation.
- Based on the recommendations of the Aitchison Commission, the fundamental pattern of the cadre system was organized.
- The Provincial Civil Service constituted in the 1890s was also on the basis of the recommendations of the Aitchison Commission.
- In the year 1912, the Islington commission was set up to examine the Civil Service reforms. And by 1934, the Indian administration system was fragmented into seven All India Services as well as five Central Departments.
- The IAS posts are filled by direct recruits, and also on the appointment/promotion of the State Civil Services officers as well as the Non-State Civil Service officers.
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Functions of an IAS officer
Broadly, the IAS officer is responsible for the maintenance of law and order, revenue administration and general administration in the area under him.
When you become an IAS Officer, you will be responsible to perform the following duties: –
1. Government Affairs
- You will be responsible for a majority of government affairs; you will work in the areas of implementation of the policy under the consultation of the minister, farming etc.
- You must implement the policies, supervise them and be available in all required places where the decided policies have been implemented.
- As an officer, you will also have the right to answer the state legislatures as well as the parliament in case of any irregularities happening in the area under you.
- You will be responsible to maintain overall expenditure, for which you are answerable to the parliament and state legislatures.
- At the first stage after joining the prestigious IAS, you will join at the post of sub-divisional level as a sub-divisional magistrate.
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2. Power
- Once in this position, you will be having in your hands the power to manage the entire developmental work of the area under your control. You will also possess the authority to ensure the law and order is maintained at all times.
- After this level, you as an IAS officer will be posted at the district level, known as the district magistrate, deputy officer.
- Here, you will have major responsibilities, and also have the power to conduct programs that will take the district you are in charge of to higher development.
- You could also serve at the post of state secretariat or as the head of a Public Sector Unit.
- When at the central level, the central level, you could be posted as the Cabinet Secretary Additional Secretary, Joint Secretary, the Deputy Secretary and/ or the Under Secretary.
- While you will formulate the policies and implement them concerning finance and commerce, the final decisions on the same will be dependent on the concerned minister you’ll be working under.
3. Authority
- As an IAS official, you will have complete authority, capability, and opportunity to aid the needy and poor of society.
- You will be responsible for the Recovery of income, and the unhindered functioning of tax courts.
- You will be working as an executive magistrate.
- You will function as a Head of Development (CDO) / District Development Commissioner.
- You will supervise the implementation of the state and also central government policies.
- You will constantly visit places to monitor new policy implementation.
- You will be responsible for the management of the expenditure of public funds as per the rules of financial ownership.
- When it comes to policy-making and decision making, you will hold different positions at various levels, such as undersecretary, etc.
- You are required to be committed to, contribute and give a definitive form to various policies.
Being an IAS officer is a roller coaster journey with a great onus on the individual. Overall, the basis of your duties and responsibilities as an IAS officer is to manage the everyday activities of the government. This includes the development and implementation of the policy in consultation with the minister responsible for the specific department concerned.

I had no ideas that an IAS officer performed such an array of duties.
Thank you for providing a deatiled blog about the duties which IAS performs, it depicted how hard they work for the country, what do you guys think about it?