Are you someone that is interested to become an IAS officer? If yes, then you understand how tough it is to become one.
In a country where more than lakhs of student appear for the exam, the ability to pass may seem very low.
With females being discriminated on by society for years, a reservation has been provided for them.
This article will talk about the IAS exam age limit for female and the maximum age for the IAS entrance exam
Age Limits
The age limits for a general female candidate is different when compared to an SC/ ST female candidate or even an OBC female candidate.
The general female candidate has to be of 21 years by August 1 of the year of examination and cannot be more than 32 years old.
The OBC female candidate has to be of 21 years by August 1 of the year of examination and cannot be more than 35 years old.
The SC/ST female candidate has to be of 21 years by August 1 of the year of examination and cannot be more than 37 years old.
Physically Retarded Female
The term physically retarded female does not exist. The closest meaning to this is physically disabled. There is an IAS exam age limit for physically disabled females as well. They get a relaxation of 10 years for the exam!
The physically challenged female candidate has to be of 21 years by August 1 of the year of examination and cannot be more than 42 years old.
Exam Attempts
These age restrictions also contain restrictions on the number of attempts for the exam and every person writing the exam should keep this information in their mind always!
The general female candidate gets a maximum of 6 attempts.
The OBC female candidate gets a maximum of 9 attempts
The SC/ST female candidate gets unlimited attempts up until age limit.
The physically challenged female candidate depending on caste gets different age relaxation. For general female physically challenged candidate it is 9 years, for OBC female physically challenged candidate it is 9 years. For SC/ST female physically challenged candidate, it is unlimited attempts up until age limit.
Physically Disabled Eligibility
Physical disablement is definitely not an easy task to deal with and to help with physical disablement the UPSC has created a reservation for them.
There is a relaxation in age limit, number of attempts, and even in vacancies list. The reservation for the vacancy list depends on the total number of students writing the exam.
There is an eligibility requirement in order to get the reservation. The criteria are:
- Candidates need to have a minimum 40% disability to get the reservation.
- Candidates must submit a disability certificate that is issued from a medical board constituted by the government.
- The date of the disability certificate has to be before the application for the UPSC prelims exam application.
- After the examination, if the candidate is selected, they will have to undergo an examination to prove their disability by the central standing medical board.
Also Read: Understand the Physically Handicapped Criteria in Details
UPSC Preparation
Students that have understood the age limit for female in the UPSC exam can start to prepare for the exam.
The civil service exam is considered to be one of the hardest exams in India and has a very low pass percentage.
The exam requires utmost dedication and hard work in order to get the desired ranks and post. A few tips on helping your preparation process is given below.
NCERT Preparation
NCERT books are your best friend in the exam. These books are the most basic requirement for the preparation of UPSC exams.
They are government sourced books, and the UPSC is also a government body. Thus, most questions from the exam are based on these books.
These books are also very helpful in creating notes.
Notes for Exam
Creating notes for your exam is going to boost your preparation and confidence levels. You will be able to revise much better due to these notes.
They will allow you to grasp information at a much quicker rate and reading the whole chapter more than once may not be necessary if all important points are covered in notes.
Notes should be made as creative as possible to keep motivation in maintaining these notes.
Reading Preparation
Reading books for the exam is not an easy task. It gets very tiring and tough on many students, but remember that pushing through these hard times is very important.
Students should read the books for their exam at least once and then use notes that they created if they want to revise. Reading word to word may not be necessary for every topic.
Many students buy guides and specialised books for UPSC. This is a good option but only if the student is seriously going to use these books to their maximum efficiency. These books can also be used as a supplement to NCERT books.
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The IAS age limit for female writers is basically the same for male writers. The reservation in UPSC is not based on gender but is available on the basis of caste and disabilities.
The reservation allows for an increased number of attempts in the exam, age relaxation in the upper limit and even in the final selection.
Even in these reservations, there are differences. In age, physically disabled get maximum relaxation. In a number of attempts, SC/ST candidates get maximum relaxation. OBC candidates get reservation depending on their economic status.
The physically disabled reservation has certain eligibility requirements, like a minimum of 40% disability to be there, and the disability certificate has to be submitted before the application of the prelims round of the exam.