Many people, 90% among the Civil Services Applicants have this question in their mind that is preparing for UPSC and PSC together is a good idea, because the pattern of both are exam is quite different as one is a Central -government based examination while the other is a State-government based examination and both follow their own rules and pattern.
Before preparing or going ahead with preparing the time table one should know the difference between the two examinations and their syllabus. This article here will clear all your doubts from why what is the difference, what should be your preferences to the strategies and tips that you should follow separately for both the examination.
Is Preparing for UPSC and PSC Together a Good Idea?
Let’s first discuss the topic and have some statements clear:
# This is only a good idea when a person is hearty, solely and mindfully dedicated and determined to prepare
# Only go for both the exam if you are confident enough, don’t keep your mind hanging in the middle and have a stern decision
# Clear all your doubts before stepping in and taking the examination and read all the instructions of both the exams carefully as they both carry different tags.
# Allow yourself to take time to the strategy for both the examinations.
What is the Difference between UPSC Civil and State PSC Exam Preparation Strategy?
As it is a whole Civil Service exam the strategy is the same so, here are some strategies
# Understand both of the structures and syllabus.
# Make newspaper reading a habit.
# Be sure, you read the NCERT books thoroughly.
# Finish your optional subject first.
# Read books about India.
# Practise your communication skills.
# Be confident, determined and don’t lose your patience.
# Practise as many mock tests as you get.
Difference between UPSC and State PSC Exam
Some points between UPSC vs PSC
Full-Form: Union Public Service Commission (National- based) | Full-Form: Public Service Commission (State-wise) |
There are no divisions to UPSC | Each state has its own division |
UPSC is mandated under Article 315 and it helps to assign the central government to matters of recruitment and transfers. | PSC is mandated under Articles 315-323 and it helps to assign respective state governments in matters of recruitment and transfers. |
UPSC conducts the exam every year which is an entry point to 20-odd Group A and Group B services. | The State PSC conducts the recruitment exams and is an entry point to all the services in their respective state. |
Objective: reliable knowledge base, standardized pattern, minimum chances of partiality and interference | Objective: highly dicey and without high approach in the interview inaccessible as well |
The President appoints the officer | The Governor of the state appoints the officer |
Also Read: Can You Give State PSC and UPSC in Same Year? 4 Tips to Crack UPSC or State PSC
State PSC vs UPSC
The IAS exam is conducted by the UPSC and is considered to be the toughest exam in India. It is a three-stage exam process and has a comprehensive syllabus and has several volumes of aspirants who are competing for 900-1000 vacancies making it tougher and the whole process lasts for almost a year.
The PSC exams are not so different from UPSC but, they have a reservation based on their home quota and other procedures. Nowadays it has become common to see controversy, corruption, nepotism and cheating in PSC examination.
Time Required to Prepare
As both, the exams are Civil Services exams and we have also seen candidates cracking both the exams in 3-4 months of preparation, but on average a candidate needs a time of 10-12 months. To prepare for the examination and crack the examination with flying colours.
Difference between UPSC and State PSC Syllabus
The UPSC Exam is conducted in three stages: Prelims, Mains and Interview | The PSC Exam is conducted in 2 or 3 rounds and is based on the posts notified. |
Prelims: General Studies Paper I (200 marks) and General Studies Paper-II (200 marks) Total: 400 marks
Mains: 2 qualifying paper (600 marks) and 7 papers to be counted for merit(is fixed by the UPSC), a total of 9 papers will have essay-type |
Prelims: General Studies Paper I and General Paper II (200 marks)
Mains: General Studies Paper I, General Paper II, and General Paper III (300 marks) Each paper carries 100 marks |
The syllabus is vast as compared to the PSC examination | The examination is not very dissimilar but doesn’t need a year to prepare. |
Also Read: Difference between UPSC and State PSC Syllabus: Some Tips to Prepare well for UPSC and State PSC
Can You Give State PSC and UPSC in the Same Year?
Yes, one can give UPSC and PSC examination in the same year as UPSC has delays between the stages of the examination while PSC conducts it in fewer days, so you can finish your PSC examination while you are giving your UPSC examinations, but one should always follow the official websites of UPSC and state-wise PSC to know the updates and dates so that one can plan accordingly.
How to Choose between State PSC and UPSC?
As per the recent census, PSC has some records of cheating, controversy and nepotism as it is a State-level examination, and also many of the people complain that PCS has increased political pressure which is making the normal candidates suffer and in many states, others are no provision of scaling the results based on the optional subject.
While on the other hand, UPSC candidates have less pressure and nepotism going on as it is a Central- level examination. As there are fewer days between PSC mains and PSC prelims and delays between UPSC examinations, simultaneously preparing for both PSC and UPSC can sometimes be an advantage and sometimes not.
The most important keys are perseverance, efficiency and passion. If you have a dream to become an officer, you should always be determined and dream big to achieve great things. That’s the main strategy that everyone should follow and implement. Don’t forget to read this article completely and drop us comments if you felt this helpful. Do let us know if we can bring out more articles on this topic if it is helpful to you.
Want to know more about the government exams, then do refer to UPSC Pathshala, 24/7 to help you and serve our best.
Also Read: IAS vs PCS: Which is Best IAS or PCS? What should you choose?

Thanks for clearing the confusion. I have got an idea now.
Amazing article and is a lot informative.