The Central Government of India has divided the economic status of the country into three halves, that is BPL or below the poverty line, APL, Above Poverty Line and Middle Poverty Line where it is termed as On the Poverty Line. The government has also provided some facilities for BPL citizens and SEBC is one such thing in the terms of quality education.
For socially, economically and educationally backward classes the government has issued some guidelines which might be helpful for them and this article talks all about it and the reservations of the categories, state-wise and central wise that is UPSC and state PSC, reservations, quota and list. Explore the article for more.
Is SEBC for State PSC and UPSC Different?
SEBC stands for Socially and Economically Backward Classes or Socially and Educationally Backward Communities and this classification is given by the central government of India for citizens based on their social and economic condition.
SEBC for state PSC and UPSC are two different things. For the state government, the SEBC list is presented for each state differently for the state PSC exam and has its own rules belonging to the backward sections of the state.
While OBC which is also known as Other Backward Castes is a list that is presented by the Central Government and belongs to the backward sections of the whole country.
SEBC Certificate
As per the official guidelines, the government has declared that the annual family income is not exceeding or is up to 8 lakh per annum, and considered in the OBC-NCL category are eligible for the reservation under the same category.
The following mandatory documents are required
# Application form
#Residence Proof
#Copy of birth certificate
#Copy of ration card
#Copy of Income Certificate
#Copy of Voter ID card or Electoral roll
#Aadhaar Card
The following supporting documents are required for the SEBC certificate-
# RoR
# Self Declaration
# Land Pass Book
# Any other document in support/claim
SEBC Category
SEBC is often a doubt to many UPSC and PSC aspirants, as many have no idea that both the state and central government have their own rules for SEBC and is divided into several different categories that exist in the society and people even have doubts about how they are different from the categories which exist in our society.
A UPSC or PSC candidate should be aware of all the categories and their reservations and they should have the right information in their hands to excel in their examinations and these are some things that should be at their fingertips so that the examiner will get a good impression and also the interviewer.
Also Read: UPSC Seats & Vacancies 2021: All You Need to Know about it – Category Wise
This is the SEBC caste list in one of the states in our country (Kerala)
# Ezhava including Ezhavas, Thiyyas, Ishuvan, Izhuvan, Illuvan and Billava
# Muslims (all sections following Islam)
# Latic Catholics other than Anglo-Indians
Other Backward Christians
(a) SIUC
(b) Converts from Scheduled Castes to Christianity
# Kudumbi
Other Backward Hindu
Arayas including Valan, Mukkuvan, Mukaya, Mogayan, Arayan, Bovies, Kharvi, Nulayan, and Arkavathi
Arya including Dheevara/DheevaranAtagara, Devanga, Kaikolan (Sengunthar) Pattarya, Saliyas (Padmasali, Pattusali, Thogatta, Karanibhakatula, Senapathula, Sali, Sale, Karikalabhakula, Chaliya, Sourashtra, Khatri, Patnukaram, Illathupillai, IllaVellalar, Illathar.
More Different Categories
Bhandari or Bhondari
Chekkala (Chekkala Nair)
Ezhavathi (Vathi)
Ezhuthachan, Kadupattan
Galada Konkani
Ganika including Nagavamsom
Hindu Nadar
Idiga including Settibalija
Some More Different Categories
Kanisu or Kaniyar-Panicker, Kaniyan, Kanisan, Kannian or Kani, Ganaga
Kalarikurup or KalariPanicker
Kerala Muthali
Kusavan including Kulala, Kumbaran, Odan, Oudan (Donga) Odda (Vodda or Vadde or Veddai), Velaan, Andhra Nair, Anthuru Nair
Kallan including IsanattuKallar
Kammalas including Viswakarmala, Karuvan, Kamsalas, Viswakarmas, Padikammala, MalayalKammala, Kannan, Moosari, Kalthachan, Kallasari, Perumkollen, Kollan, Thattan, Pandithattan, Thachan, Asari, Villasan, Vilkurup, Viswabrahmins, Kitara, Chaptegara
Several Different Categories
Kelasi or KalasiPanicker
Maravan (Maravar)
Mahratta (Non-Brahman)
Melakudi (Kudiyan)
Naickenincluding TholuvaNaicker and VettilakkaraNaicker
Padyachi (Villayankuppam)
Panniya or Pannayar
Parkavakulam (Surithiman, Malayaman, Nathaman, Moopanar and Nainar)
Sakravar (Kavathi)
Senalthalaivar, Elavania, Senaikudayam
Sadhu Chetty including Telugu Chetty or 24 Manai Telugu Chetty and WynadanChetty
Some Common Categories
Uppara (Sagara)
Ural Goundan
Vaduvan (Vadugan)
VeeraSaivas(Pandaram, Vairavi, Vairagi, YogeeswarMatapathi and Yogi)
Veluthedathu Nair including Vannathan, Veluthedan and Rajaka
Vilakkithala Nair including Vilakkathalavan, Ambattan, Pranopakari, Pandithar and Nusuvan
Vaniya including Vanika, VanikaVaisya, VaisyaChetty, VanibhaChetty, AyiravarNagarathar, Vaniyan
Yadava including Kolaya, Ayar, Mayar, Maniyani, Eruman, Golla and Kolaries
Mogers of KasaragodTaluk
Maratis of HosdurgTaluk
SEBC Reservation
The Maharashtra Court has a 50% cap that will be extended in exceptional situations and the quota has to be extended. The Maratha community has also been declared as a socially and educationally backward class by the government and it makes up 33% of the state population. On 21st June an amendment was passed under SEBC Act which provides 16% reservation to Maratha Community students.
Hopefully, the above information might have come in handy and it will be helpful. Please check your respective state wise category list for the reservations and information related to the State PSC examination and central list for the UPSC exam.
Any doubts, any queries feel free to write your comments down in the comment section and for preparation tips, strategies, reducing stress, helping to decrease your examination anxiety, UPSC Pathashala is always willing to help you and guide you through the right path to reach your goal.
Remember, details and the overview about the examination should always be your prior information and we help you to have that and updates will always be available here.
Also Read: SEBC Caste List: Who are SEBCs in UPSC and How to Avail the Different Certificates?

Very beneficial article