Are you planning to compete for civil service exams in the year 2021? If yes, then you need to make a UPSC annual planner 2021 which will include all the important dates. UPSC( Union Public Service Commission) has issued the civil service exam date. The prelims are going to be held on June 27, 2021. But before you prepare for prelims, you will need to get yourself enrolled. The beginning date for registration is February 10, 2021, and the closing date is March 2021. After you register yourself, create a UPSC study plan 2021 which will guide you through your preparation.

IAS Planner 2021 for Prelims

From September / October to February, applicants should devote their time to building the basic framework for the test. Aspirants are required to complete the basic NCERT books by the end of December and a few necessary books by the end of February. This will provide them with a strong base for their General Studies paper. Throughout this period, applicants must also devote their time to the chosen optional subject.

UPSC poses issues on the basis of current issues that are happening, so students must read the newspaper daily. For the Prelims test, candidates must follow up on current affairs from June 2020 to June 2021. Students must cultivate a habit of making notes when reading the newspaper.

At this point, students must try to understand the topic in a complete manner and also concentrate on Mains. For better comprehension, refer to sample questions of previous years.

Students should not memorize the subject when reading. They must try to build mnemonics, flow charts, and find their own method of working for them. Since most of the questions put to UPSC are conceptual and scientific in nature.

Also Read : UPSC 2021 Preparation Strategies: Preparing for UPSC from Home and Lot More

Month Breakdown- ( March- April 2021)

In this phase, students should devote their full time to prepare for the Prelims exam and try to take practice tests from institutes or online coaching as often as possible. Test series will allow applicants to recognize their strengths and weaknesses and concentrate on their areas of improvement.

Don’t be afraid to make mistakes in Mock exams so that they’re not repeated in the IAS exam. In the Prelims test, the UPSC asks the most basic and complicated questions in order to qualify for the Mains exam. Students must apply their expertise and use strategies such as elimination, intelligent guessing, to find the correct answers.

April- June 2021( Month of Prelims)

During this phase, it is sensible to revise all the topics multiple times and also keep up with the current affairs because you need to be aware of all the new happenings in the country. Revision is although more important because throughout the year you would have covered a vast number of topics so to ensure that those topics stay in your brain. Revision becomes crucial and you can do revision with a group of friends, or take quizzes online as well.

Mid June- Mid September 2021 ( Mains)

The result for prelims will be declared in August 2021 but you can’t wait for the results to begin your preparation. After the Prelims,  take some rest and then start with mains preparation  Candidates should optimize their writing practice as they already have a sufficient knowledge base. Aspirants must concentrate on mastering their writing response and presentation skills.

Whatever you read, at the end of the day, try summarising in your own words.   Dedicate one hour each day to the practice of writing responses. Review the answers with the mentors or seniors to get a little bit of an insight into where you stand. Don’t worry about writing the wrong answers at the beginning. You will eventually get better.

Also, make sure you’re following with the current affairs and taking mock tests regularly at this point.

Also read: Top 7 IAS Main Answer Strategies 

September- February 2022 (Interview)

Since it is the last round make sure you give it all as these thirty minutes will decide your placement. You will have plenty of time to prepare for this round. The first thing you should do is read your bio-data and expect questions to be asked on your skills, hobbies, and your optional subject most importantly.

Don’t put too much information in your detailed application form as you would have a lot to prepare for. Keep it simple and concise. Only include things that you are sure of and have passion for. Don’t take too much stress, the interviewers are not there to grill you so go in with full confidence.


A year to prepare for IAS may sound a lot at first but since there is so much syllabus allocated for applicants that the time will fly. As far as resources are concerned, you will find everything like the IAS syllabus, sample papers, interview questions all online or if you are not sure, online coachings are your friend in this journey so you can opt for them as well. Just give yourself enough time to cover all topics and you will be fine.

Also read: Check This for UPSC Preparation 2021

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UPSC Annual Planner 2021: Know the Important Dates for Civil Service Exam
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UPSC Annual Planner 2021: Know the Important Dates for Civil Service Exam
Want to apply for the IAS exam? Do you know the prelims and mains date? By when should you be fully ready to give your prelims and mains 2021? Find out all here
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UPSC Pathshala
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