The new age of India is getting progressively more pulled in by the Government administrations and this reality is supported by the expanding figures of UPSC applicants consistently on the board.
UPSC is the toughest examination that is conducted in our country every year and every year thousands and lakhs of aspirants appear for this paper but not every person is fortunate enough to get through this exam. Numerous undergraduates are as yet not satisfactory about the way that precisely is the contrast between the two organization administrations.
UPSC and PSC are two different examinations that are conducted by the Government of our country. These examinations are conducted for admission to various services of the country which are meant to serve our country.
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Where do UPSC and PSC Differ in Posting?
Often this question comes to the mind of various aspirants as well as other individuals and that is – Are UPSC and PSC the same?
Every year many students prepare to appear in these competitive examinations so that they can be recruited to various administrative services or different government jobs. Among the various exams conducted by the Government, there are some which are –
# Union Public Service Commission (UPSC)
# State Public Service Commissions (PSC)
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Difference Between UPSC and State PSC Exams
Union Public Service Commissions | State Public Service Commissions |
2. All the members of this body are selected by the Governor of the states these commissions are working under. |
3. Similarly, the members of this body are appointed for a time period of six years or up to until they turn around age 62. |
There is a lot of difference between the State PSC Vs UPSC. Learning about these differences helps us to understand the two exams better and in an amazing manner so that it will be easy for us to differentiate between the two.
The differences between the two are:
#1.Union Public Service Commission
The UPSC, also known as the Union Public Services Commission is a recruiting agency in India that is responsible for taking or conducting the different examinations of the Civil Services Examinations every year. This agency is responsible for appointments to and for taking various examinations so that different candidates can be selected for the different posts of the Government services each year.
This agency is responsible for the recruitment of different candidates from all over the country for the All India Services, Central Services, and Armed Forces of the Union of India.
Now, let’s come towards talking about the State PSC examinations.
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#2.State PSC – State Public Services Commission
The Public Services Commission was one such body for which the Government of India provided for its establishment at the Provincial as well as the State level. This body was formed under the provisions of the Constitution of India.
Also known as the State PSC or SPSC, this body contains a long list of chairman and other members that are appointed by the Governor of that respected state.
Every year the SPSC appoints several people under itself who are required to perform several duties and functions. These functions and duties are:
#1. This body conducts various examinations for appointing several aspirants to the different services of the state.
#2. They appoint candidates on the basis of the principles that are followed in making different appointments to the various Civil services and posts.
Now, let’s move on to know more about the different exams that are conducted every year and to know more about these two organizations.
Difference Between UPSC and State PSC Syllabus
There is a lot of difference between the UPSC and PSC examination syllabus.
As seen, the UPSC examination has three stages in itself. These three stages are:
On the other hand, when the PSC examination is seen, there are three stages for this exam too but this exam has an extra reference and several facts that depend on the desired state that this exam is taken into.
For example – A West Bengal PSC examination will consist of several questions about the facts and GK off this state only.
A Deeper Comparison
When compared to the PSC exam, the UPSC exam consists of questions on the GK about all the facts of the entire country.
One common fact about both the examinations is that in both these examinations, the candidates have to go through an interview process that is confined only to the higher posts officers in the state.
Another common fact between these two examinations is that in order to appear in this paper, one has to be of that minimum age, i.e., he/she has to be at least 21 years of age. And the maximum age to appear in these examinations is 32 years.
This age limit has been set respectively by the different state governments Commission.
Can You Give State PSC and UPSC in the Same Year?
Since there is no difference between the syllabus of these two examinations, and when one is preparing for one paper, he/she can easily get himself/herself prepared for the second test as well.
So, if you desire, you can give both the examinations in a single year with the only fact that the dates between the two should be on different days and they should not appear on the same date.
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How to Choose Between State PSC and UPSC?
In order to choose between the two examinations, there are a number of differences between the two stated below:
#1. UPSC is a “A” grade officers as compared to the PSC paper which is about the “B” grade officers.
#2. It all really depends on your interest in the two tests – if as an individual, you only want to work in your own hometown, then you can go and choose the PSC paper but if the choice is otherwise, you can go and opt for the UPSC test paper.
With years of experience, we have only seen people choosing UPSC over PSC or PCS exam as it opens your door to big and greater opportunities.
The UPSC and the PSC Examinations are both conducted by the Government of India for recruitment to various posts and both require the applicants to study properly for the exam in order to clear them in one go and be successful in the first year only.
The above piece of information provides an applicant with all the information regarding both the exams. Hopefully, you must have found this information useful and if you have any doubts, feel free to comment down below and let us know.
Also, don’t forget to read our other blogs.
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