The Union Public Services Commission conducts civil services exams every year. Even though it is regarded as the toughest exam in the country, lakhs of candidates dream of becoming an IAS officer and give the exam every year. Even after completing Prelims and Mains, the Interview round is completely different from the first two rounds and needs good preparation to ace it.
Though the round is uncertain and we cannot predict what type of questions aspirants are about to face, there are a few frequently asked and important questions for which you can prepare well in advance. In this article, we will help you with the best possible answers for one such interview question, i.e., why do you want to become an IAS officer?
Why do You Want to Become an IAS Officer?
This question or any other UPSC interview questions, for that matter, have no perfect right answer. The interview panel isn’t looking for the right answers, but wants to know your perspective, understand and analyse your critical thinking, confidence, and decision-making skills. Hence, in this article, we will look at some of the ways in which you can give the best possible answers to the question. Why do you want to become an IAS officer?
Be honest about why you want to become an IAS officer. Every aspirant may have different reasons why they wanted to be an IAS officer.
How to Ace This Stage?
#1. Tell them when and why you decide to become an IAS officer.
#2. Make sure you tell the incidents or moments when you decided to be an IAS officer.
#3. Some want to be an IAS officer because it was their parents’ or grandparents’ dream, and if you followed their words to be an IAS officer, mention it.
#4. Because of some past injustice that stays in someone’s mind, they don’t want anyone to go through the same they have been. If you decide to be an IAS officer due to this reason, mention it and tell them how you want to change it.
#5. If you love to serve your nation and people, tell them how you want to do it after becoming an IAS officer.
Some more Tips
#6. If you like doing social service and want to join civil services to do that, let them know how you would implement it.
#7. If you like challenges every day and want to become an IAS officer to solve problems, mention your experiences.
#8. If you want to be an IAS officer to correctly use the power and authority, mention how you would use it for good.
#9. If you are inspired by some other IAS officer and their works, mention them and explain how they inspire you.
#10. Even if you think being an IAS officer gives you job security, a handsome package, and respect, be honest and talk about it too.
Two Examples
Example 1
Growing up, I loved my grandfather’s stories on his and everyone’s fight for freedom. Even after independence, he continued to fight for justice on several issues, but he always believed that having the right power and authority will make the work easier.
He always said that being in civil services or becoming an IAS officer and using the power in the right way can help do wonders and change society in the best possible way. His words impacted me and my childhood in a great way, and since then, all I wanted to be is an IAS officer to serve the people in need and bring justice.
Example 2
I was naive, innocent, and didn’t know what was happening in the world since childhood. But, I was good in my studies and took science as a stream because everyone was doing it. Soon, I got into a prestigious college, and there, it was mandatory to volunteer for some groups.
Hence, I took that up, and as a part of it, we went to rural areas to teach kids, helped adults write, and educated them about policies that can help them. I loved doing that so much that I decided I wanted to do it all my life. But with no power or authority, I couldn’t do much.
Then I decided to become an IAS officer to serve the needy and improve their life however possible. I also know that this job brings financial stability, security, and respect. So, in every way, being an IAS officer is my dream.
Why do You Want to Become an IAS Officer Essay?
Whether long or short, the essay answer on “why do you want to become an IAS officer?” is very important for all the aspirants to prepare beforehand. There’s a high chance this can be asked. Also, preparing this or having an organised answer on why to become IAS will help on several occasions. One short and long essay example of the same is given here.
Everyone’s story is different from each other. Hence, they can frame it in their own way, and the below-given essay is an example of how to do it. You can write the essay according to the word constraint given.
Example Essay: Why do You Want to Become an IAS Officer?
Every child has an aim, and they want to achieve it. I, for one, always wanted to be an IAS officer. It wasn’t just my father’s dream. When I got to know about the importance of IAS officers and their role in shaping society, I really admired that. I have always wanted to help those in need in every little way I can. By being an IAS officer, I can work every day to live my dream. To make my dream come true, I’ll work hard with utmost determination.
Also, kudos to everyone who has cracked this exam and inspires us. This is one of the most admired professions in India. When I see an IAS officer, the amount of respect everyone has for them is immense. Even being in such a high position, they are so down-to-earth. Every aspect of all the IAS officers I have seen inspires me to take up the job and be like them. I really want to be in a profession where I can make my parents and nation proud.
Wrap it Up
Being an IAS officer isn’t just like working in any other job. The duty comes with loads of responsibilities, and they are answerable to society whether they are posted in a district, under ministers, state, or central government. The duties may be different, but their everyday challenges involve making reforms, bringing new infrastructure, making new policies for the betterment of the people.
I want to do everything to help people and empower the nation in any profession I work under. But, I can have power and do it effectively when I’m an IAS officer. Hence, I want to become an IAS officer to serve the nation.
Wrapping Up
The interview round is where your knowledge is not tested, but your other skills and qualities like honesty, confidence, critical thinking, and problem-solving capacity are examined. Hence, be confident in your answers and remember that there is no right answer. Give your best possible answers with utmost honesty and genuineness.
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Thank you so much for sharing such an amazing article. It has helped me to know about the answers to give in the interview. The interview is the toughest part of this exam. Now, I will be able to answer adequately. What do you think about this article?