On October 10th, 2021, the UPSC Civil Services Prelims will be held. The admit cards have already been distributed, and the countdown to the Prelims examination has begun in reverse. Despite the fact that UPSC Prelims is a qualifying round, only about 2% of students advance to the mains round. As a result, it becomes a critical component of the UPSC Civil Services examination scheme.
With only about 20 days until the Prelims, we’ve put together a list of last-minute tips for UPSC IAS 2021 candidates in this article. We’ve talked about what you should do in the days leading up to the exam, as well as on the day of the exam, to improve your preparation and deliver your best! Let’s get this party started!
Last Minute Preparation for UPSC Prelims Examination 2021
The UPSC CSE Prelims are less than 3 days away, and a solid revision strategy is essential for maintaining momentum and achieving peak performance. Many aspirants, on the other hand, take a more relaxed approach towards the end. This causes a loss of concentration. Here are some pointers to help you plan your revision for the last month.
Also Read: Last 30 Days Strategy for UPSC Prelims: Know the Tips to Ace the Prestigious Exam in Last Month
Don’t Read Anything New
It is meaningless to scan anything new at this time. There’s a slim chance you’ll remember anything you’ve read at this point. As a result, rather than learning something new, concentrate on reviewing what you’ve already learned.
Look for Mock Tests
Adopt a mock-test based learning approach instead of revising books after books. To do so, take a practice test in the morning and read up on the topics you’ve missed. You can use these mock exams on UPSC Pathshala to evaluate your UPSC prelims preparation and preparation for the main exam.
Stay Positive
Despite putting in a lot of effort in preparation, the majority of students fail to pass the preliminary examination. This is usually caused by a lack of confidence in oneself and negative self-talk.
It is critical to tell yourself right before the exam that you have prepared adequately and that you cannot go back in time and study more. Doubt and pessimism will not assist you in passing the exam. It’s important to be prepared for the worst, but it’s also crucial to expect the best!
Revision of Notes
The UPSC Prelims tests your ability to recall a large number of facts and figures. Revising multiple times is the only way to remember all of the important points. It is critical to recognise that cramming will not be effective. To remember the topics, you must first understand the topic and then go over it several times. As a result, the final few days before the exam must be dedicated solely to preparation.
Also Read: Time Table for UPSC Preparation 2021-22: Step by Step Guide to Crack The UPSC Exam
Avoid Distractions while Preparing for UPSC
As this is the most important stage of the UPSC IAS recruitment process, aspirants are advised not to waste any time on unnecessary and time-consuming activities such as visiting places, watching movies, TV shows, or social gatherings with friends and family.
In UPSC Preparation, Take Breaks and Don’t Overdo It
Taking a break during the continuous hustling sessions is required, or an aspirant will forget what they have studied. To stay refreshed, candidates should take short tea/coffee breaks, stretch, go for short walks, and take short naps. They must not, however, extend these short breaks because they must climb a formidable mountain.
UPSC Preparation Success Mantra
The only requirement for passing the CSAT Exam is practice, accuracy, and speed. Only through practice will you be able to achieve this. Regardless of how good a student is, if they do not solve at least one paper per day, their chances drop to half of what they would have been otherwise.
Tips to Keep in Mind for Subject-Wise UPSC Preparation for 2021
The CSAT exam is divided evenly into various sections, as all aspirants would have seen in previous year’s papers, with questions based on mental ability, decision making, English comprehension, numerical aptitude, logical reasoning, and so on. As a result, candidates should identify their weaknesses and work to improve them.
It is recommended that you clear your doubts and go over the tricks for solving mental and numerical ability problems, as they will come in handy during the exam.
English Comprehension
It is recommended that you read as many articles as possible in the shortest amount of time while maintaining the highest level of comprehension. It’s easy to notice that UPSC doesn’t give easy-to-understand articles or passages in exams. They are usually conceptual and difficult to comprehend.
The stress of the exam adds to the aspirants’ worries. As a result, candidates who develop good reading and comprehension practice will benefit in the exam. Because UPSC follows a general pattern of giving a minimum of three questions per passage, the goal should be to complete a comprehension question in under four minutes.
Arithmetic Ability
For the exam, candidates should review all concepts, particularly loss, profit, and discount, simple algebra, Pythagoras theorem, compound interest, and unitary method, as basic questions are asked from these areas. The next step is to practise as many questions from each of the topics as possible. Candidates should aim to answer one question per minute on this subject.
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Problem Solving and Decision Making
This section includes practical knowledge, ethical knowledge testing, application testing, and situational fitting for any candidate. As a result, one must neither blindly follow ethics nor completely disregard it. Candidates should be aware that the UPSC considers more than two options to be correct in such questions.
Logical Reasoning
This section does not have a solution until the problem is practised. As the Commission has consistently issued syllogism, pie chart, and series questions, the candidates must improve their skills in these areas.
What to Do? What Not to Do in the Examination Hall?
Exams are notoriously difficult, particularly when it comes to the UPSC Exam. When you arrive at the UPSC Examination Center, you may become nervous and wonder if everything will go smoothly.
Be Punctual
It’s a good idea to arrive 20 or 30 minutes early for your exam. This will ensure that you have enough time to revise and that you have all of the necessary documents in order, such as identification cards.
Organize Yourself
Make sure you have all of the necessary items for the exam, such as extra pens. Candidates are always advised to bring an extra set of clothes. Never bring your phone or other electronic devices into the exam room because they are not permitted, and you may lose them in the process.
Stay Relaxed
Take a deep breath and relax your mind and body as you enter the examination room. Make an effort to recall all of the revision points. If you think you’ve forgotten something, don’t worry; there’s a good chance you’ll remember it once you start writing the exam.
Read the questions carefully once you’ve received the question paper. Plan your time after reading the questions and begin writing. Mark the questions that you are certain you know the answer to and try them first, as this will boost your confidence.
If you don’t know the answer to a question, don’t waste time on it because it will become a barrier to attempting other questions; instead, move on to the next question.
Divide your time, organise it, and then write your answers.
Also Read: How Does a UPSC Aspirant Manage their Studies During any Wedding Ceremony or Functions at Home?
Be Attentive
Always keep an eye on yourself. Don’t be concerned about others, don’t be distracted by your peers, and don’t be alarmed if you notice other people writing quickly. Take your time, be mindful of your surroundings, and don’t rush.
Be Honest with Yourself
Plan to write as efficiently as possible in the time you’ve been given, and be aware of the amount of information and complexity you can handle. Instead of writing something general and incomplete, make sure to answer long and concisely while remaining complete.
Prepare for the Worst
Don’t go completely blank and panic if you can’t answer a question or realise you misread the question and answered incorrectly. Rewrite the answer and mention (that you realised the error and attempted to correct it) in a bracket, as this may make the person marking your paper sympathetic.
Cross Check
Last but not least, take the last 10-15 minutes before submitting to double-check all of your answers. There’s a chance you missed some points that you can add.
These are some of the UPSC Examination Hall tips that you can use. Always avoid nervousness because it can lead to blunders and the forgetting of what you’ve learned.
Stay positive and believe in yourself, and you’ll see how success unfolds in your life.
Do’s and Don’ts on UPSC 2021 Examination Eve
Sleep Well and Set Two Alarms
In three days leading up to the exam, you may be sleeping late and irregularly. However, the night before the D-day is far too important to be without sleep and peace of mind. You’ve probably heard stories about people passing Prelims despite not sleeping the night before.
Don’t be moved by such stories; instead, get a good night’s sleep of six to eight hours; if you don’t get enough sleep, you’ll make mistakes in exams because you won’t be able to focus in the exam room.
If you have insomnia and need to take sleeping pills, make sure you plan ahead. Set two alarms on different machines (smartphone and alarm clock), and make sure they’re both set to full volume and far enough away from your bed.
Eat Early and Healthy
It is important to eat a light meal at night; do not overfill your stomach; you want to feel good in the morning and not have to worry about digestion, constipation, or acidity. Also, don’t play around with food; stay away from junk food, carbonated drinks, and alcohol. Eat foods that are known to be stomach-friendly.
Save Your Brain for Exam Day and Don’t Think in Bed
It’s natural to be concerned about your chances of passing the PT exam. And almost twelve hours before it, when you’re in bed, your mind will focus on it above all else. Try to regain control of your thoughts by telling yourself that “everything is fine.” You’ll either think and worry, or you’ll sleep. Worrying won’t help you improve anything, including your PT exam scores in the morning.
Also Read: Top 7 Ultimate Revision Tips for IAS Exam: Get the Ball in Your Court in the Next UPSC
Healthy Breakfast
Don’t be cruel to your stomach; don’t throw it any surprises. You must feel light and alert, and food will help you achieve this. Do you enjoy porridge made with oats, bananas, and honey?
Food in Examination Hall
If you’re with family, you’re most likely bringing lunch to the exam. Carry seasonal foods such as fruits and light whole wheat bread sandwiches. Avoid scouring the area for new food during lunch; take care of your stomach for a few more hours; eat carelessly after the PT.
Stay Focused
There are aspirants who are “always worried” about UPSC and spend their time imagining rejection rather than focusing on preparation. Avoid such people, stay away from paranoia, and have faith in yourself. In addition, a bothersome family member or distant relative should be avoided.
Avoid talking to strangers on the metro or on the bus to the exam hall; people generally hold UPSC and IAS in high regard, and they may unnecessarily hail or praise you. Don’t get caught up in other people’s emotional theatre.
Admit Card
On your table, keep the legibly printed admit card handy. Keep extra copies in your bag and other pockets if possible; don’t take any chances. Upload a soft copy to a cloud drive like Google Drive and memorise the short link to make it foolproof.
The UPSC rules also say that
“you are responsible for the safe custody of the e-Admit Card and in the event of any other person using this e-Admit Card, the onus lies on you to prove that you have not used the service of any impersonator.” Also, “candidates who do not have clear photographs on the e-admit card will have to bring a photo identity proof viz. Aadhar Card, Driving Licence, Passport, Voter I Card etc. and two passport size photographs one for each session for appearing in the examination with an undertaking.”
Keep Your Pens Ready
To fill the OMR sheet, you should have black ballpoint pens in your stationery box. You can also bring pencils with you for scribbling. Keep two or more black pens with you, preferably of a brand you like and that does not leak or bloat when used to fill a circle.
Also Read: How to Prepare for UPSC Prelims 2021 from Now? Guidelines To Preparing for UPSC From Home
Read the Instructions Carefully
You don’t have to learn from them because not many people do it. Read all of the UPSC’s instructions, as well as the “Poster” with instructions posted outside the Examination Hall.
Plan Your Travel
You should google the location of the examination centre and know where it is. If you’re going with friends, you should have reserved a taxi or decided whether to use Ola, Uber, or another service. Remember to arrive at least twenty minutes before the exam’s scheduled start time, which is 9:30 a.m. Consider the possibility of rain, a Metro malfunction or the loss of your Metro card, a traffic jam, a tyre puncture, and so on. In other words, get a head start.
“You will not be admitted to the examination if you report 10 minutes after the scheduled commencement of the examination.”
Check UPSC Website
It is possible that the UPSC will issue a notification regarding a change in exam centres (though this is unlikely to happen just a day before the exam). Even so, you won’t lose much by checking the website for any updates.
Last Minute Revision Material
If you require last-minute assurances (revision minutes before gate entry or during a break), make your decision and keep your materials in your bag. It is a personal choice for many people to study near exam halls. It’s best to stay away from it. It’s much easier said than done.
On PT days, if you are one of the fortunate ones who can afford to visit homes during break time, do not take a nap and instead fall asleep in your warm home bed.
No Gadgets
Avoid bringing Bluetooth devices, phones, calculators (non-programmable type calculators are allowed in GS Mains), and expensive items to the exam hall in your carry bag. The UPSC rules clearly state that the commission is not responsible for the loss of such items. And you don’t want to be subjected to disciplinary action or be barred from the UPSC for breaking the rules.
Your UPSC prelims strategy for the last 3 days should be planned, focused, and relaxed. Don’t put yourself under any unnecessary strain. Maintain a positive attitude and refrain from beginning any new studies at this time. Maintain your focus on going over what you’ve already learned.
These UPSC preparation tips should hopefully assist you in better preparing for the upcoming UPSC prelims 2021. Best wishes!

Thank you so much for this amazingly informative article.
This article has given me all the information about the last minute preparation and several other essential aspects.