UPSC is an examination that is considered the toughest and assessment-based examination in India. Many candidates follow their hearts and step forward to crack it with zeal. This exam is not only dependent on how knowledgeable you are but also upon your enthusiasm, skills, passion, and presence of mind.
Along with knowing every bit of knowledge regarding the constitution, you must also know how to implement good provisions on the people thinking from their perspective of the mind. You must be a good decision-maker. When you hold the power and strength of great decision-making and communication, half of the battle will be yours. You must be a continuous learner and a good visionary.
If you are the one who is preparing for the UPSC examination and looking for an inspirational story to motivate you towards achieving your target, here is Ankita Sharma’s Biography for you to learn from her life.
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Ankita Sharma Biography
It is said that great people are not just born but are created. Ankita Sharma IPS were born on 25 April 1992. She belongs to the fort city of Chhattisgarh. She was passionate about cracking the UPSC exam and serving the nation since her early childhood days. She is a brave woman who teaches other women to have dreams and follow them whether it is in favour of the social norms or not because social structure and regulations are created by the human mind only. If you find a new way to follow what you think then other people especially women will also find the courage to do it.
Personal Details
Her father’s name is Rakesh Sharma and her mother’s name is Savita Sharma. She was a child with a studious mind and intellect when she was in school. She has been grown and brought up in Durg, Chhattisgarh, and did her schooling in the same place.
She pursued her post-graduation MBA from the fort of Chhattisgarh. She is a glamorous and beautiful woman with great knowledge and understanding of the nation. She finds her way from somewhere if she thinks to achieve a certain thing in life. Her parents are proud of whatever she has accomplished in her journey in life.
Ankita Sharma IPS
This lady lioness IPS officer is an IPS from the 2018 batch. She achieved a wonderful rank on her third attempt. She does not call it a failure but an important part of her journey because she has learned everything from her great voyage of IPS. Ankita Sharma’s rank was 203 in the year 2018. She has got her home town for service.
She is serving from the Chhattisgarh cadre. Her present age is 30 years. She is still working with full temperament and enthusiasm as she started. At present, she is designated on the post of Municipal Superintendent of Police, CSP in the Azad Chawk situated in Raipur which is the capital of Chhattisgarh.
She is ensuring proper municipal help and utilities to all the people of the area. Being a woman, she is not only responsibly holding the potential of searching the people but also her house and family with equivalent aroma.
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Her Student Life
When she completed her post-graduation, instead of further joining any company, she started convening her childhood dream of becoming IPS into reality. She stayed at an institution for 6 months preparing for the UPSC exam and then got back to her home to prepare herself. Her father is a Congress member.
She believes that a road full of thorns leads to the bed of roses and the path of roses leads to an unwanted ditch. You have to choose the path wisely by thinking about the consequences you want in the end. This is the truth of life. If you don’t mind the ways then the destination will be challenging.
Journey as an IPS Officer
This unbreakable and unbelievable woman is the first lady IPS officer of Chhattisgarh. She got UPSC rank 203 on her third attempt. She was trained for IPS and then joined the Chhattisgarh cadre. She has served as the ASP.
She successfully investigated the deteriorating laws and orders in the pathetic situation aroused in the city. She is a lady of fearless thoughts and has faith in bringing positive change to the whole society. She says that it is not important how big the premise of wrong is but one stone of right thoughts will be able to break that wall with ease. You have to be confident enough about your plans and then achieve them.
About Incredible Woman IPS
This unstoppable woman is serving very diligently to maintain harmony and peace in society along with providing all the citizens with proper care and their requirements. She was married to the captain of the Indian Army. Her husband’s name is Vivekananda Shukla. It is pretty confusing sometimes that she is considered Ankita Sharma as well as Ankita Shukla. She always gives her credit for life and achieving great objectives for her husband.
Her husband has helped her in every way possible to make her dream come true and stand her in the position where she is. She is an influential lady on social media. She has 119 posts, 309k followers, and 6 followings on her Instagram account. She updates her fans and all the people by posting her recent pictures on social media. She is a true woman called beauty with brains. She was recently in news for verbally confronting Congress MLA Shakuntala who was threatening her to show her level.
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Facts from Ankita Sharma’s Wiki
Ankita Sharma IPS, being a courageous woman said that the MLA is free to call anyone. This whole video had gone viral on social media platforms. She is so commandant and forefront lady that she led the parade on 26th January 2020 for the Republic Day celebration in Raipur.
She had become the first woman from Chhattisgarh to do so. Her mesmerizing beauty and working areas are the perfect reasons behind the lakhs of followers she has on social media. She was facilitated with the Indra Bhushan Award by the DGP, Chhatisgarh in February 2021. She was awarded for breaking the nexus of drugs in Raipur. You should learn from this officer and must follow the right direction to make your dreams come true!
UPSC Preparation
If you are reading this article, you must certainly have learned several lessons from the life journey of this great lady IPS officer. It is never a fight between your social structure and your dreams and aspirations. If you are determined for your ambitions there is nobody who can degrade your identity and perspectives.
Every successful person has a wholeheartedly passionate mind and soul behind it. This inspirational woman has shown many incredible paths for all the young generations to not quit if you are not getting something but rather put more emphasis on it with energy.
The major concern is that every time is not for everyone but if something is not happening it does not mean that you quit it. You have to pull yourself to an extent that people can get motivation from you. If you are also passionate about achieving good scores in the CSE, you need to wisely choose the best IPS coaching in India. The best IPS coaching center in India will give you the confidence from within to perform well.
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If you are preparing for the CSE, you must visit UPSC Pathshala and learn from the most professional and expert faculties. They will not only teach and guide you about the syllabus but also regarding stress and anxiety management which is very important for this exam. Once you reach the website, you will find the way to get to your desired destination.
If you are a true aspirant of the UPSC examination, you need to choose the best IPS coaching in India. This best IPS coaching center in India will give you the most interesting facts about the exam along with expert guidance and support. You will learn a lot with the help of this platform and you will be able to achieve all the updated material with the help of the magazine. Moreover, you can acknowledge the notes related to the happenings of the world. You can ensure success with this platform.

This is rightly said a woman can change the world. This article is truly motivating for all the woman in the country. What do you want to say about it?