Millions of candidates apply for the bank exams to get a stable and perfect job. To get success in anything, you need to have its full information along with the knowledge of what to do and what not.
If you know the correct procedures and do’s and don’ts, you will get the throne. This article has brought to you many informative paragraphs along with dos and don’ts in the Bank PO exam. If you want to know it all and make your future sparkling, continue reading ahead. The interview questions are also given with the solutions for you to learn better. Let’s get started.
Also Read: Bank PO Interview Questions: Guide to Boost Your 2021 Bank PO Exam Preparation
Bank PO Exam
This examination is highly competitive and challenging to crack. The candidates need to have a great level of preparation in all the spheres. If you are searching for the syllabus, this exam includes questions from subjects like Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning Ability, English Language, Computer Aptitude, and General Awareness. You must prepare all of these beforehand to get higher scores.
This exam is very crucial for the aspirants as it decides their upcoming future and job security. Preparation of quite a few months is highly required for the test. You should not take it lightly. If you want to make your preparation strategy much smoother and effective, look below to know and acknowledge the dos and don’ts that you need to follow for the prestigious test.
Do’s and Don’ts in Bank PO Exam
The organization of banking examination holds the test every year for recruiting Probationary Officers (PO) and Clerical Cadre. It is conducted in various public-sector banks in India. Every year over 20 lakh candidates apply for this exam. This year, various public sector banks have decided to select and hire approximately 1 lakh candidates.
The bank exam is conducted in two different phases: PO Preliminary Exam and PO Mains Exam. If you are here to know the do’s and don’ts in the Bank PO exam, this is your destination. Let’s start with the information.
Let’s Acknowledge the Do’s
#1. Practice Mock Tests
The aspirants of the examination need to practice the mock tests during the preparation phase to keep the pace along with witnessing or assessing the level of preparation. Many start taking the mock tests when they master the subjects but you should take the mock tests for assessing your skills and preparation.
It gives a check to your progress and shows your strengths and weaknesses which are extremely important to know to get high scores. You can ace your exam by taking free mock tests online. You must practice mock tests.
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#2. Goal-Orientation
The candidates have many different subjects to study. This is the reason that it is very helpful to set goals for yourself. You must make specific goals and try to fulfil them within time. The aspirants must fix a date by which they have to decide and complete studying certain portions.
Goal orientation is extremely important as when you achieve your goal, it gives you the impetus to study harder further and get good marks. It is most important to have a particular goal to accomplish as it gives you strength from within.
#3. Start Preparing Early
The candidates preparing for the bank exams must start doing it earlier. The students should study during the daytime as they will benefit from the refreshing air and energetic mind. It is a highly concentrated time of waking after a good night’s sleep.
The method depends totally on you whether you like to study during the day or at night. If you are a night owl, you can go ahead and study at night or in the daytime being a morning bird. The most important thing is to concentrate on what you are studying and learning everything.
You can get profits from short study sessions along with adequate breaks. These scenarios are proven to be more effective when studying, and storing information.
#4. Read Daily With Good Study Material
All the potential candidates of the honourable examination must focus on reading regularly for the verbal section. The verbal section is the most important one as it can let you score immensely. You must be adequately prepared for it.
Inculcate the habit of reading daily as it helps you increase your speed of reading as well as improving your English vocabulary. You have to focus on each aspect to succeed in the test.
Good study material is exponentially required to let you get high scores. Hundreds of books are available online for preparation. You must know the need for each book and choose them accordingly. You must buy the best ones and prepare for them. You must use only a few selected books to study the subjects. The wrong choice of material will end up wasting your valuable time. Choose wisely.
#5. Focus on Syllabus and Be Systematic and Organised
All the candidates must begin by learning the syllabus. You should ensure that you are dedicating the required amount of time to each topic. Everything is important to grasp. You are not required to leave any portion untouched. You need to be systematic while preparing. If required, make a proper study plan to cover all the topics.
You need to work harder in all the required sections. Also, make sure that you rectify the mistakes that happened previously to resolve them in the future. This is extremely significant to be conscious to never repeat the mistakes. You need to review the portion learned at the end of each day and practice mock tests to know your progress. All of this should be done to transfer the knowledge from short-term to long-term memory.
#6. Read Newspapers
It is often said that reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body! Not oy for the exams but reading is extremely important for everyone as it makes us informed citizens in society. To determine your mark in the test, you need to focus on English vocabulary, and grammar as it plays a very crucial part.
Anyone can become a pro at it by going through the online platforms and being consistent in it. But many of the candidates skip this process because grammar tends to bother us and seems to be a herculean task. It requires continuous efforts to gather all the positive information for the exam.
The editorial of The Hindu is tremendously interesting reads available easily. You must practice them regularly and try to avoid the PDFs present online along with the Gk capsules. Get command over the language and be knowledgeable.
Also Read: Banking Awareness for SBI PO Interview: List of Banking Awareness Questions 2021
#7. Practice Question Papers
Previous year’s question papers can make you perfect at solving the questions coming in the paper. You can answer adequately in the exam. Almost all the banking examinations have a similar set of question papers and marking criteria.
You will become confident after knowing about the questions in the exam and will get perfect at resolving them. This will make you save time during the paper time. Therefore, ensure your success by practicing the sample papers or previous year’s papers.
#8. Focus on Your Weaknesses
You must know your strengths and weaknesses before going for the final paper. Solving mock tests and previous year’s questions papers help you tremendously to know your weaknesses. You must work on them to combat all the challenges occurring during the test.
You are required to be equally good in all the subjects involved in the bank exam. You have to score better to achieve your goals. If you think that you can leave the difficult areas, it is not a good idea. You must allot perfect time to those sections so that it will help you gain knowledge in it. Also, keep up the pace of learning.
#9. Eat Healthy and Sleep Well
Both of these traits are the most significant when it comes to being calm, composed, concentrated, positive, and if you want to achieve something great in life. Eating and sleeping habits matter a lot for your mental and physical strength. If you are not perfect with your health, you can’t perform well in anything.
So along with studying and putting in high efforts, you must take proper sleep and eat healthily. It improves your concentration power and makes you a happier and peaceful person. Don’t take stress if you don’t know any particular topic, rather work on it more effectively to combat the problems and rise like a phoenix.
#10. Be Positive and Stay Focused
Positivity is the key to all the good things in life. If you are not positive, you can’t achieve milestones. You must work in the right direction and be confident. When you work in the right direction with the right balance of hard work and wisdom, you tend to achieve all your desires.
You must not sink into negativity. If you come to know after taking mock tests that you are not getting perfect marks, don’t panic. Take a deep breath and study that topic again. Remember, “God helps those who help themselves”. You must stay focused on your dreams. The focus will never let you go down. You will always hold your head high to achieve greater heights.
Check Out the Don’ts
#1. Don’t Get Stressed
It is advisable to all the candidates that you must not panic in the exam. When you panic or get stressed, you forget all the answers that you know. Calmly answer the questions of the paper. Take the test easy and avoid overthinking and worrying before the exam. You should focus on the questions that you know.
You must be positive and think that everything happens for a reason. If you have prepared nicely, you will get its advantage and if not, you need to prepare more. Think that you are near your goal every time. The competition is high for the test, and the questions are tough but you must rely on your learning and remember, “ Success is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration.”
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#2. Rome Was Not Built in a Day
All the aspirants have to remember that Rome was not built in a day. In the end, there is no reason for worrying. You should work hard during the preparation period to achieve a great learning level.
The last-minute cram sessions will not benefit you as you can’t learn peacefully at the end time. It would prove to be a bane if you try to infuse more concepts in the previous ones. You should know that a confused mind will not use its full potential. So leave the topics that you have not even touched and do revisions for the topics that are your strengths.
#3. Avoid Guesswork
Guesswork does not work for the papers that have a negative marking scheme. For this test, you should not guess the answers and give them as it can deduct your marks. Answer the questions that you have full confidence in and avoid guesswork. For each wrong question, 0.25 marks are deducted. So think before answering the question.
#4. Avoid Mugging Up
You should avoid mugging up the solutions for each question. This paper is based on your reasoning and analytical skills, so there is no point in mugging up the solutions. Practice should be done perfectly for each section to score better.
The abrupt mugging up of information always causes confusion and makes it difficult for you to answer the questions frequently. You must not mug up information at the end.
#5. Don’t Stick to One Question
You should remember that you need not waste your time on a question that you don’t know, rather move ahead on the other one. Dwelling on one question will take your time and make you irritated.
In the examination, at any point in time if you feel that you’re not able to crack a certain question, do not take it as a prestige issue and dwell on it. Instead of wasting your time, take a few moments and swiftly move on to the next question. This will let you score more marks.
Bank PO Preparation
Bank PO preparation is a very crucial time for all the candidates. The aspirants are advised to focus on general awareness and daily current affairs along with static GK. If you are preparing for this exam, you need to be goal-oriented, organized, determined, and above all, passionate. Have good time management skills and ensure self-assessments in between the preparation phases.
You should make a perfect study plan for the preparation and must work on it to achieve your goals. Revisions and breaks are essential to keep in the timetable. Make sure that you get time for proper revisions at the end. Dive deep and know more.
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Bank PO Interview
If you want to know everything about the bank PO interview, you need to read this article ahead. For further information, the PO interviews for the 2019-20 recruitment were conducted between January 14, 2020, to February 6, 2020. The candidates must start their preparation for the next exam.
The cutoff for the test is decided by the conducting body. It ranges between 70 to 80 marks for the General category candidates. You should prepare well beforehand to secure good marks. You must be aware of its features. Talking about the interview board, it consists of 4-5 members, including eminent bankers and a psychologist. Let’s know the features.
Features of the Bank Interview
#1. Although there is no fixed time for an interview session, it usually lasts for 15-20 minutes. During this time, the candidate may have to answer 15 questions. Get prepared for it.
#2. The interview questions can be related to your profile. It could be asked from your education, employment history, hobbies, noteworthy achievements, and temperament etc.
#3. In the panels, questions such as banking awareness, culture, and current affairs can also be involved.
What Does the Panel Emphasize On?
Every candidate might be searching for the questions or areas that are focused on by the interview panel of the bank exam. It is shared here.
#1. Knowledge about Banking and Current Affairs related to it.
#2.Confidence and communication skills.
#3. Situational awareness and ability to perform under pressure.
#4. Temperament and mindset, cultural fit to the banking industry.
#5. Educational qualifications and background.
#6.Leadership ability and behavioral traits.
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Bank Interview Tips
Let’s start with the interview techniques. It is a prominent requirement of all aspirants.
#1. You must sleep well before the interview. It gives you good thinking capabilities along with patience. There might be many people waiting for their chance before you. You must have to wait a little longer. For it, you need a calm mind and a positive attitude.
#2. General awareness is a very significant portion. You need to brush up on your current affairs, institutional, and business news knowledge before entering the exam hall or a day before the interview. It will give you immense confidence to answer most of the questions asked by the examiners.
#3. You must read your bio-data thoroughly. You can’t afford to miss anything from that. The test takers can ask a couple of questions about your credentials. Therefore you need to be prepared to answer them truthfully and convincingly.
Some More Techniques!
Along with the above-written things, there are a few more things to focus on. You need to keep all your documents in one folder to carry them for the interview. This will let you confirm all the mandatory ones. You will not miss out on the essential elements.
You must be aware that the document verification process is conducted concurrently. It is very important to have the documents in hand. The institute does not allow candidates without documents to attend the interview.
To avoid the hurdles, make them prepared and make a folder. It would be better if you arrange transportation to the center well in advance. It is unacceptable to reach the center late. You should reach on time to avoid any negative impression on the board.
Bank PO Interview Questions
Do you want to get aware of the interview questions to answer them adequately before the examiners? If yes, this is the right place for you. We have questions with answers for you. Know the insights.
#1. Introduce / Describe yourself?
Answer: For this question, you need to mention a few things. Your answer should include the following details.
#. Personal Information with your name, parents’ designation, etc.
#. Work Experience, if you have.
#. Education along with your degrees, college, and city name.
#. Additional qualifications or achievements, if required.
#. Your hobby (you are advised to develop at least one hobby as it is considered good practice).
Also Read: Bank PO Interview Material: Important Questions and Preparation Tips for Bank PO
#2. Why Do You Want to Join the Banking Sector?
Answer: In India, banking is considered one of the fastest-growing sectors. The economy is the greatest point of recognition for today’s era. I have always been interested in accounting principles. This sector has several career opportunities. It is always related to the worldwide scenario.
Note: This is important to know that you must avoid the answers like “banking is your childhood dreams”, “job security”, “big salary” etc.
#3. What Qualities Should One Possess to Be a Bank Officer? Do You Think You Have These Qualities?
Answer: Sir/ma’am, being a Banker I should possess the following qualities.
#. Organized Mind
#. Management
#. Good Communication Skills
#. Mathematical and Analytical Skills
#. Accuracy and Efficiency
#. Quick Learner
#. Honesty and Integrity
#. Leadership
#. Co-operative and Friendly Personality
#. Alert and Awareness
I believe that all of these qualities are very crucial for the bank sector. Moreover, I positively feel that I have these qualities with me, and shortly, I will surely grab more qualities to provide the best services to the customers.
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Therefore, we hope that you have got all the mandatory information and data from this article about the bank interviews, do’s and don’ts in the exam, the type of questions that come in the bank exam, and much more. Being the candidate, you must be aware of every bit of the details of the examination.
You can comment below to know the answers to your queries by our experts. You can pursue our single course to prepare for the exam and combat all the challenges.
To connect with the professionals or to get high-quality video lectures along with numerous articles related to the bank exams, visit UPSC Pathshala and make your future stable, secure, and bright.
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Thanks for the information. Indeed very helpful
This article has covered all the necessary points. It is indeed quintessential.
The preparation tips and interview features are great. Thank you for sharing.
The interview tips and questions with answers are immensely informative. This article has given me maximum knowledge.
Very informative article, it helped me a lot during my preparation