Preparing for the test is challenging enough, but when you come from a household with few resources and must do duties simply to keep your family fed, it becomes even more difficult! Furthermore, we have seen countless examples of people who have not given up despite their bad financial circumstances, and have instead fought even harder to improve themselves and their families futures and live a life of dignity and comfort.
Here, you will read the Preeti Hooda biography and know, how she overcame her financial challenges to pursue her goal.
Preeti Hooda Biography
Preeti Hooda, a native of Bahadurgarh, Haryana, had fun while studying for the UPSC test and also watched movies. She became an IAS officer after successfully completing papers and interviews in Hindi.
She passed the UPSC test by writing a paper and doing an interview in Hindi. She was thereafter chosen for the IAS. Preeti’s father was a bus driver for the Delhi Transport Corporation (DTC), and when she told him she wanted to be an IAS, he was still driving the bus.
Preeti Hooda IAS Education
Preeti Hooda received 77% in 10th grade and 87% in 12th grade. She then completed her degree in Hindi at Laxmi Bai College in Delhi, where she received a 76 percent grade. She then went on to complete her M.Phil and PhD in Hindi at Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU).
Preeti Hooda had said,
‘Never thought in childhood that I would prepare for civil service. I am the first girl in my family to study so much. She said, ‘Papa’s dream was to become an IAS, when I came to JNU, I came to know more about how to prepare and after doing M.Phil I started preparing.’
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Brilliant Student Since Childhood
Preeti had always been a bright student who had consistently placed first in her class. She received a 77 percent in her 10th-grade exams and an 87 percent in her 12th-grade examination.
Her family encouraged her to abandon her education and settle down in life owing to her family’s financial situation. However, she persuaded them to allow her to continue her studies by demonstrating excellent achievements time and time again.
She enrolled at Delhi’s Laxmi Bai College and finished with a 76 percent grade in Hindi. Her hunger for knowledge did not end there. She went on to complete a PhD in Hindi at the famous Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU).
Preeti Hooda IAS Journey
Poor Household Conditions
The financial condition of Preeti’s house, a resident of Haryana, was not good. Her father was a DTC bus driver. The maintenance and education of the whole family were not easy with her small salary. Preeti focused on her studies ignoring her other needs and never compromised with her studies. Along with doing M.Phil, Preeti started preparing for the IAS exam in full swing.
Second Attempt was a Success
Preeti got success in the IAS exam for the second time. Despite her failure the first time, her confidence did not decrease. Rather, after giving the exam, now they had realized how to prepare for the exam. Preeti studied according to the syllabus and cracked the IAS exam on the second attempt.
Chose The Hindi UPSC and Found Success
Preeti gave the UPSC exam in Hindi and in the interview also spoke in the Hindi language. She said that in the language in which you feel confident, take the test in that language and attend the interview in that language.
Preeti Hooda IAS UPSC Rank
In the year 2017, Preeti Hooda cleared the UPSC Civil Services Examination. Preeti Hooda neither gave the exam in English medium nor did she answer all the questions in the interview. Yet in the year 2017, he secured 288th rank.
Also Read: IAS Shreyans Kumar Biography: Marks, Booklist & Everything You Need to Know
Preeti Hooda Marksheet
Her marks and marksheet are not available at this moment but we will soon get you this, so do come back.
Preeti Hooda IAS Optional Subject
She chose Hindi as her optional subject in the UPSC exam. She gave the exam in Hindi format as well.
She Couldn’t Answer All The Interview Questions
Preeti did not answer all the questions in the interview. She missed answering three questions. According to Preeti, your confidence is tested in the interview. It is not possible that you know the answers to all the questions. Therefore, if you do not know the answers to the questions, refuse to answer them.
She Made Her Father Proud
After seeing her UPSC result, her father was the first person that Ms. Hooda called to give the happy news. He was at his bus driving when she called to notify him about her outcome and that she is now an official IAS officer, as per her.
Her father’s joy was palpable, and he congratulated her on her accomplishment, which was an uncommon sight in and of itself.
“When the UPSC result came, I called my father. At that time, he was driving the bus. After hearing the result, my father said to me: – ‘Shabaash beta’ (Well done, my child). My father never congratulated me before, so this brought tears to my eyes” said Ms. Hooda.
Preeti Hooda Strategy for IAS
‘Instead of continually preparing for ten hours, there’s any need to study after thinking a little and selecting the route,’ Preeti Hooda remarked about UPSC test preparation. Along with planning, having a good time is essential. While preparing, it’s also necessary to view movies. Complete the curriculum gradually and confidently, and instead of reading a large number of books, read fewer but more frequently.
Preeti Hooda said,
‘When my UPSC exam results came, I called my father and at that time he was driving a DTC bus. Papa was very happy to hear the news. Papa never praises her face, but that day he praised for the first time and said, Well my son, I am very happy.”
Relaxed While UPSC Preparation
Ms. Hooda said that
“All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”
When discussing the gruelling preparation that candidates generally go through. She stressed the importance of taking pauses between studies in order to maintain one’s sanity.
“Including the preparation, you must have fun. Allow yourself to unwind by watching movies,” she said.
She feels that studying for long periods of time without taking pauses to relax might build mental barriers in a person’s mind, causing them to lose concentration on their studies.
She Watched Movies While UPSC Preparation
The UPSC Civil Services Exam should be taken seriously. But it doesn’t mean you can’t have a good time. It is more vital to make the preparation enjoyable than to make it difficult. Preeti watched a lot of movies and even walked on a walk with friends while studying for the civil exams, but it had no effect on her grades.
Also Read: Best Books for UPSC in Hindi: Check-out to Ace IAS Preparation in Hindi
How to Choose UPSC Optional Subject?
How to pick the proper optional subject or how to select an optional topic correctly is an issue that plagues most IAS aspirants, whether they are novices or have taken the test once or several times.
Since 2013, when the UPSC eliminated the second optional subject, candidates must now pick only one optional subject for the UPSC Mains, which consists of two exams of 250 marks each.
Scoring Optional Subject
Most IAS newcomers pick an optional since it is a scoring area, and some of the scoring topics are Geography and Public Administration. Applicants have scored 400+ in these topics in the IAS mains test during the last few years, while many applicants have achieved 340+ and 350+ in Public Administration.
A Popular Optional Subject
The topics of geography and public administration, as well as history, sociology, and anthropology, fall under this category. Among all the 27 optional topics, including Literature, these 5 optional subjects account for over half of all main optional subjects, since these are the disciplines that candidates choose as optional the most.
Background Knowledge
Many individuals who have earned a bachelor’s degree or a master’s degree in a topic pick the same subject as a choice in the Civil Services Exam. This is an advantage because the applicants are already familiar with the topic and do not need to devote much time to studying for the optional.
It is not simple to prepare for and pass the UPSC test. Cracking the nation’s toughest test requires genuine strength, fortitude, and dedication. Ambitious people never lose up on their ambitions, regardless of the circumstances. Only a handful have reached the pinnacle of achievement in a competitive environment where individuals sweat it out to give all they have to clear the exam.
Check out the optional courses available on UPSC Pathshala for your UPSC preparation.
Did you like the strategy given by IAS Preeti Hooda? Comment your answers below.
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This article has given me the strength to pursue my dreams without thinking about my family or background. This is truly inspiring.
This article shows that when you are passionate towards your goal in life, nothing can stop you from achieving it. This IAS officer has managed to get her ambitions even after coming from various challenging circumstances. Everyone should learn from her.
This is an amazing article. It has given me motivation to keep working hard for my dreams. What do you have to say?
Anything is possible if you desire to achieve it. Her story clearly showed us there are no hurdles in life that we cannot get through. We just need to work hard.