The history of India and national movements comes under modern history which is the third part of the UPSC History syllabus. It is extremely crucial for the Prelims and the Mains exams as multiple questions are asked from this portion.
History is an analytical and factual subject that requires a deep understanding of the topics. Thus it is significant that you pay attention to this subject and its syllabus for all the topics.
Well, if you are worried about this subject, remember that with the right preparation, diligence, and ample time for note-making and revision, history can prove to be one of the most scoring subjects.
If you give proper time to the subject, you can answer nicely in the interview as well. You need to cover all the topics for Modern History. It accounts for a minimum of 4-5 questions in the UPSC Prelims and Mains every year.
If you have the dream to become an achiever, read the article below as it has all the information about the history of India and the Indian national movement.
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History of India and Indian National Movement
The Union Public Service Commission, UPSC is the organization that conducts the most prestigious and toughest Civil Services Exam (CSE) every year. Lacks of candidates apply for this exam every year with full preparation and knowledge. The NCERT notes are considered the most authentic and best source of preparation for the CSE.
This article has notes on the History of Modern India from the middle of the 18th century to India’s Independence in 1947 is recommended for UPSC Prelims 2021. You should go through it to learn all the information and concepts.
IAS aspirants should remember that style of revision has to adapt depending on the objective (Prelims) or the subjective (Mains) nature of questions as per the notes for the preliminary syllabus and UPSC Mains syllabus. History is an extremely important subject to score for this esteemed examination. So let’s dive deep into the potential notes.
About Indian National Movement
The important topics of the Modern History syllabus are given below. You must prepare all of these topics to score well in the UPSC CSE. All of these topics are essential in the history of India. Let’s acknowledge the topics for UPSC preparation.
#1. Battle of Plassey
#2. Third Battle of Panipat
#3. The First and Second Anglo-Mysore Wars
#4. The Third and Fourth Anglo-Mysore Wars
#5. Warren Hastings
#6. First Anglo-Maratha War
#7. Second Anglo-Maratha War
#8. Third Anglo-Maratha War
#9. Pitt’s India Act, 1784
#10. The Permanent Settlement of Bengal
#11. The Bengal Famine of 1770
#12. The Regulating Act of 1773
#13. Ryotwari and Mahalwari Systems of Land Revenue Raja Ram Mohan Roy – Indian Social Reformer
#14. Swami Vivekananda
#15. Subsidiary Alliance
#16. Charter Act of 1793
#17. Charter Act of 1813
#18. Education System in India during British Rule
#19. Charter Act of 1833
#20. The First Anglo-Sikh War
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Have a Look at Further Modern Indian History Topics!
#1. The Second Anglo-Sikh War
#2. Vellore Mutiny, 1806
#3. India’s Struggle for Independence – Nana Saheb
#4.Doctrine of Lapse
#5. Rani Laxmibai – The Rani of Jhansi
#6. Robert Clive
#7. The First Carnatic War
#8. The Second Carnatic War
#9. The Third Carnatic War
#10. Revolt of 1857 – First War of Independence Against British
#11. Legislations in British India – List of Acts Passed in British India
#12. Causes of the Rise of the Indian National Movement
#13. Indian Nationalism – The Moderate Phase
#14. The Charter Act 1853
#15. Government of India Act 1858
#16. Indian Councils Act 1861 Indian
#17. Councils Act 1892
#18.Morley-Minto Reforms
#19. Partition of Bengal 1905
#20. Indian National Movement – Extremist Period
History of India and Indian National Movement Syllabus
#1. Bal Gangadhar Tilak
#2. Important Indian Freedom Fighters – Lala Lajpat Rai
#3. Revolutionaries in the Indian Freedom Movement
#4. The Government of India Act 1919
#5. The Rise of Gandhi in Indian Freedom Struggle
#6. The Rowlatt Act and the Jallianwala Bagh Massacre
#7. The Lucknow Pact, 1916
#8. Non-Cooperation Movement
#9. Home Rule Movement
#10. Salt Satyagraha
#11. Popular Uprisings in the 18th and 19th Centuries – Politico-Religious Movements
#12. Moplah Rebellion of 1921
#13. Popular Uprisings against British by Deposed Chieftains and Landlords
#14. Tribal Uprisings in the 18th and 19th Centuries
#15.Peasant Movements in the 19th Century – Indigo Rebellion
#16. Peasant Movements in the 19th Century – Deccan Riots of 1875
#17. Peasant Movements in the 19th Century – Rangpur Dhing
#18. Simon Commission
#19. Swaraj Party
#20. Bardoli Satyagraha
#21. Vaikom Satyagraha
#22. Gandhi-Irwin Pact
#23. First Round Table Conference 1930
#24. Second and Third Round Table
#23. Conferences
#24. Government of India Act 1935
#25. Poona Pact
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More Topics Name for History of India and Indian National Movement Syllabus
#1. Cripps Mission
#2. Subhas Chandra Bose
#3. Dr. B R Ambedkar
#4. Quit India Movement
#5. Nehru Report
#6. Indian National Congress Sessions
#7. C R Formula or Rajaji Formula (1944)
#8. August Offer
#9. Wavell Plan and Shimla Conference
Cabinet Mission
#10. Historical Background of the Constitution of India
#11. Constituent Assembly of India
#12. Indian Independence Act 1947
#13. Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan – Early Years, Partition, Arrest, and Exile
#14. List of Viceroys in India
#15. Bhagat Singh – Background, Contributions, Execution
#16. Indian National Army (INA)/Azad Hind Fauj
#17. Battle of Buxar
#18. The Coming of Europeans
#19. Marathas and Other Provincial Kingdoms
Indian National Movement
The Indian National Movement is an important aspect of History. It was an organized mass movement that was concerned with the interests of the people of India. It was affected by both internal and external factors of the people. This movement led to the formation of the Indian National Congress in 1885 along with several revolts that broke out across the country.
The candidate of the CSE should be aware of all the factors of this unforgettable movement. This movement made several decisive elements in the country like the formation of the Muslim League in 1906, the Swadeshi Movement in 1905, etc. All these movements spearheaded the freedom struggle in India from 1885 to 1947. This includes all the major events in history that were started to make India Independent.
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Indian National Movement Summary
According to the facts and observations, the struggles for Freedom in India had been a merger. This has been the amalgamation of a series of Political, Socio-Cultural, and Economic factors that led to the rise of Nationalism. Let’s have a view on the national movements.
#1. British Policy of Conquest and Expansion.
#2. Revolt of 1857.
#3. Political and Administrative Unification for example Rule of Law.
#1. Impact of socio-religious movements.
#2. Spread of modern and western education.
#3. Role of Press and Policy of racial discrimination.
#1. Economic exploitation by the British under different policies.
#2. Economic policies with direct impact led to the Eco-unification of the country.
#3. Introduction of Railways.
#1. Indian National Congress
The INC was founded at the premises of Gokuldas Tejpal Sanskrit School, Bombay. Total 72 delegates attended it along with the presidency of WC Banerjee. AO Hume became the first General Secretary of INC and worked for the safeguard of the safety value of the British government. The first phase is called the Moderate Phase which was from 1885 to 1905.
Moderate leaders were W.C Banerjee, Gopal Krishna Gokhale, R.C Dutt, Ferozeshah Mehta, George Yule, etc. The moderates were following the PPP path which stands for Protest, Prayer, and Petition. Extremism started in 1892 after the moderate’s disillusionment. The Extremist leaders were Lala Lajpat Rai, Bal Gangadhar Tilak, Bipin Chandra Pal, and Aurobindo Ghosh. This group was against PPP and followed self-reliance, constructive work, and Swadeshi. The Partition of Bengal was done in 1905 by Lord Curzon.
#2. Swadeshi Movement
The Swadeshi Movement was followed by the given activities.
#. 1905 – Congress session in Banaras. Presided over by Gopal Krishan Gokhale.
#. 1906 – Congress Session in Calcutta. Presided over by Dadabhai Naroji.
#. 1907 – Congress Session in Surat on the bank of the river Tapti. Presided over by Pherozeshah Mehta were due to the differences between Moderates and Extremists first split in Congress occurred.
#3. Muslim League
It was formed in 1906. It was founded by Agah Khan lll and Mohsin Mulk. The given reforms followed the Muslim league.
#. Morley-Minto Reform Act 1909
#. Gather Movement started in 1913 by Lala Hardayal
#. Komgata Maru Incident in 1914. Shore Committee was formed.
#. First World War 1914
#. Home Rule Movement 1916 by Tilak at Poona to demand Swaraj
#. Lucknow Session of Congress 1916 presides by Ambika Charan Majumdar
#. Government of India Act 1919 or Montagu- Chelmsford Reform Act to form a responsible government in India.
#. Gandhiji returned from South Africa in 1915 and founded Sabarmati Ashram in 1916 at Ahmedabad, Gujarat.
#. Champaran Satyagraha – 1917
#. Kheda Satyagraha – 1917
#. Ahmadabad Mill Strike – 1918
#. Rowlatt Act Satyagraha February 1919
#. Gandhiji formed Satyagraha Sabha as the first mass movement in 1919 where students, middle class, labour, and capitalist participated along with the congress as an organization.
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#4. Jallianwala Bagh Massacre
It was done on 13 April 1919 where people gathered in Amritsar to protest against the arrest of Saifuddin Kitchlew and Satyapal.
The Khilafat Committee launched a Non-Cooperation movement on 1st August 1920. The three issues for the rise of the movement: Punjab wrongs, Khilafat issue, and Demand for Swaraj.
#5. Non-cooperation Movement
It was started in 1920. The trade union was formed and presided over by Lala Lajpat Rai. It initiated many other movements that are given below.
#. Akala movement- 1920.
#. Formation of SGPC (Shiromani Gurudwara Prabhandak Committee) in 1925.
#. Congress Khilafat Swaraj Party was formed.
#. Workers & Peasant Party- 1927.
#. 1927- Simon Commission.
#. Nehru Report- 1928.
#. Jinnah Report- 1929.
#. 1930- Independence Day was celebrated for the first time.
#. First Round Table Conference- 1930.
#. Gandhi-Irwin Pact was signed in 1931.
#. Karachi Session of INC-1931.
#. Second Round Table Conference- 1931.
#. Announcement of Communal or Ramsay Macdonald Award on 16th August 1932.
#. 26th September 1932- Poona pact was signed.
#. Third Round Table Conference- 1932.
#. The Government of India Act- 1935.
#6. Congress Sessions
#.1936 – Lucknow (UP) – Presided by J.L Nehru
#. 1937 – Faizpur (Maharashtra) – Presided by J.L Nehru ( First session held in the village)
#. 1938 – Haripura (Gujarat) – Presided by S.C Bose
#. 1939 – Tripuri (M.P) – Presided by S.C Bose
#7. Quit India Movement
It began in 1942 when Gandhi started the logan, “Do or Die”. Indian National Army was formed in 1942. Shimla conference was held in 1945. Cabinet Mission Plan started in 1946. In 1947, Lord Mountbatten came to India. Finally, on 3rd June 1947, the Act of Independence of India was formed.
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Notes for UPSC Exam
Well, we all know that this exam is the most worthy and prestigious. The subjects for these exams are mandatory for all the candidates while the optional subject can be selected by the candidate as per his/her interest and choice.
You can enrol in some courses for the UPSC preparation or can do it at home. If you are dedicated and prepare effectively for the exam, you can crack it on the first attempt but you should be patient and consistent towards your dreams as the high competition makes the exam rather tough to crack.
The success rate of the candidates for this exam is not high. You have to ensure maximum studies and a positive environment to reach your target. It is said that everything is tough when not known and acknowledged while it can be easy by gathering enough understanding of it. So this exam is the same. Every year lakhs of candidates apply for the exam and get to ranks but many of them don’t do well. It is the result of hard work and dedication.
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Therefore, we believe that this article is valuable for your preparation. If you have any other doubts or confusion, please comment below and get the answers from the experts.
This exam is not easy at all but a passionate mind is the inventor of new paths to reach the destination. You should reach UPSC Pathshala to achieve your dream with the beneficial content present on the website. Best wishes for your examination!

Thanks for sharing the history syllabus. It was extremely helpful.
Thank you for sharing an article on these wonderful notes.
The syllabus and notes has helped me exponentially in covering the details for my exam.
The complete information about the Indian National movement is here. This is incredible.